Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Mission Call

Matt got started on his mission papers back in January. By the time we got everything filled out and he had all of his interviews and everything, it was mid-March when they were finally done. He had his final interview with President Thornton on March 14th, after which his papers were submitted!

We waited patiently (he did at least, Mom was not so patient) for 4 long weeks, until he finally got the text on April 11th telling him that his call was ready!

We decided to go ahead and invite all of our local family over that evening so he could open it right away. 

We had multiple devices going with FB video calls, FB live, etc. so that those who couldn't be here could watch him open his call. 

We had everyone that wanted to write down a guess. Matt was really hopeful that he would go to France or Japan. 

Finally it was time for him to open it!
He was called to Bahia Blanca, Argentina! 
He hadn't thought about South America much at all, but he immediately felt it was where the Lord wanted him!

He's scheduled to start Home MTC on July 24th, and leave for the Mexico City MTC on August 2nd!