Friday, July 21, 2023

Pre-Mission Family Trip

We decided we needed to take one last quick family trip to Williamsburg before Matt became a missionary. 
We headed up there the morning of July 18th and went straight to Busch Gardens. 

The 2nd day we went to Water Country USA, where Matt almost succeeded in his quest to not get wet at all. Until a thunderstorm moved in. We ended up leaving early and going back to the hotel to chill.
That evening, Matt bought Little Caesars for all the bros and they hung out in their hotel room playing Switch while Mom, Dad, and the girls went out to a restaurant in Williamsburg. 

The next day we checked out of the hotel and then hit Busch Gardens one more time before heading home. 

When we booked this trip, we thought it would be the week right before he started Home MTC, but his dates ended up getting pushed back a week. So now he won't start HMTC until July 31st and he'll leave for Mexico City on August 8th!

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