Monday, December 25, 2023

And So This Is Christmas (Week 21)

Monday, December 25, 2023   8:40pm

Feliz Navidad mis amigos!! Hope you've all been having an awesome holiday season filled with family, fun, and the Light of Christ!!

Well, I'm sure you all are wondering how Christmas is in Argentina, and well...there isn't a lot that they do here I'll be honest. On Christmas and Christmas Eve, people usually have a party and make an asado which is pretty nice! We were also invited by some members to share an asado with them Christmas Eve which was very nice. But other than that, there isn't much buildup. No Christmas music, not a lot of lights, it's HOT which threw me for a loop, but I still really loved it, not because it was different than American Christmas, but because we were able to focus on Christ so much more.

For example, we started changing up our lessons to really focus on the reason He came here, which was His Atonement. He came as a baby birthed in the lowliest conditions, to later sink down below the lowest of lows, only to return to the highest of heights and grant us Redemption and Everlasting Life. I ended up sharing my favorite scripture a lot, Alma 7:11-12, because of all the joy and hope it gives to us, to know that Christ knows us perfectly and with that knowledge knows exactly what we need to better ourselves in whatever way we need to. I'll be honest once again, I get very close to crying every time I share it in a lesson, the Spirit I'm able to feel during these lessons is so tangible, it's beautiful. He truly knows us, and I know that He knows me and you and everyone. 

Well, the work is going really well! We find a lot of knew people every week, and quite a few of them show a lot of promise! In particular, we have a new friend named Javier, and he's amazing. He has a wife and a couple of grown children (haven't taught them yet) and he's super open to learning as much as he can about anything. We kind of found him on accident, as we were looking for a different person that was supposed to live near him. We were originally going to ask him if he knew the person, but when he introduced himself he was super friendly and asked us some really good questions about our purpose here, so we gave him a pamphlet and said we'd pass by another time! And guess what? We totally forgot to ask him about the other person haha! But anyways, Javier is super cool and is gaining his own testimony pretty quickly and it's awesome to see. 

There wasn't too much to report on this week, and I also don't have time for TotS tonight, so apologies for that! I would like to invite yall to read Luke 2 tonight though. I read it through a couple days ago and I really loved how much the angel Gabriel tries to calm the people he appears to, as his messages are ones of peace and joy. So yeah, I hope you all have a great time reading that this Christmas night!! 

Welp, I guess I'll sign out til next week! Have a happy Boxing Day!
Elder Montgomery

2 Nefi 2:4

I was casted as Angel Gabriel for the ward Nativity. I wonder why.

Gettin ready

Be not afraid

Good Tidings of Great Joy

Everyone be laughing at my hair

Merry Crisis

I did not want to go out today

Que bello

(He called while we were at Grandpa Mark and Grandma Cindy’s for brunch, so he got to talk to lots of family, including cousin Sarah who recently returned from the Gilbert, AZ mission…it’s such a blessing that we get to see his handsome face every week and that this wasn’t the first time we’d talked to him since he left like it would have beenback in the day!)

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