Monday, September 25, 2023

The Whitewash (Week 7)

Mon  9/25/23    9:33am

 Yuhhh, qué tal, what's good, all that. Hope yall have been feeling blessed this week. 

So, first full week in Pico, and my thoughts? Fabulous. The area itself is really cool; Elder Bain and I cover about half the city in hours, and it's still pretty large. We usually spend about fifteen minutes walking to get to the people we want to contact that day, mostly because we live in the center of the city, which is super cool, but no one lives there, so no contacting there. The suburbs where we actually do contact are super interesting. I feel like I've already been everywhere and seen everything in the area, but I'm somehow finding something new in it every day. Mostly a new stray dog. Crazy. 

So, as the title says, this is a whitewash, which means both me and Elder Bain are new to the area. So that's fun. We also haven't had missionaries in Pico for a few months, so the people who had been taught pretty much forgot it all. But it's fine, we're pulling them back in, along with a few inactive members. We also found a pretty great amount of new people this week, most of whom look pretty promising, and we were able to teach a few lessons too. Unfortunately no one we taught came to church yesterday, but it's chill, we'll get em next time. I'm super excited for these people though, and a few of them seem super excited about the gospel. So yeah, I love all these people a lot, and I can't wait for my Spanish to actually get good so I can participate in conversations lol. 

The members are all cool and pretty funny. Most of them are pretty patient with me, so that's nice. They have amazing thoughts and insights about the gospel and they love the church a ton. Super inspiring. They also make some banger food. Like, people. Asado. It is one of the best things I've ever eaten, and it's literally just meat roasted over coals. Seasoned super well though. There's also Milanesas, which are basically just fried chicken/pork, which is pretty good. I made some one night, and they ended up looking pretty similar to Chick-fil-A filets. I've just got that magic touch. 

So, my Español. I think I might have already mentioned this, but I understand pretty much everything up until someone asks me a question. It's legit terrifying when we're at lunch with a member, and they're like talking about their missions or their families or something, and then all of a sudden, one of them looks at me and says something and the whole room turns and looks at me at the same time, and I have no idea what to say until Elder Bain translates for me real quick. It has gotten a lot better though, and I've developed a bit of the accent already. Which basically just means I use 'sh' instead of 'll' or 'y'. So yeah, I'm pretty cool. I do fine while we're teaching lessons, but there's been a few moments where I want to say something, but I don't know the word for it, which frustrates me a little, but it's all good. I've also felt my mouth filled with the correct words during lessons, it's wild. Legit already realizing could never do this without the Lord and His support. Every good thing has come from Him, I know that. And there's been a lot of good things. 

That's kinda been it this week, sorry for not having any crazy stories yet. But again, this is legit the first week. So um yeah, love you guys, stay safe, pray often, and have a great week!! (Also, if yall have any questions for me, email me personally, and I'll respond. Responding to replies to the weekly would take literally my whole pday sometimes lol)
Élder Montgomery 

1: The Chick-fil-A-ish Milanesas

2: Me and Elder Bain at the City's Sign

3: Just me and Elder Bain

4: Cathedral in the center of the city

5: Terry Bogard Sea Salt Soda. No, unfortunately I didn't get it

6: Extreme Close Up of the HLJ (Hasta Lo Justo) ring I got at the CCM

7: The four Pico Elders piled in the back of a car. Because why not. (If I hadn't mentioned, we share an apartment with the Elders over the other half of Pico. Elders Norton and Nieto) 

8: All the Facturas

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