Monday, November 20, 2023

MILEI GANA!! Also, I'm Legal Now (Week 16)

Monday, November 20, 2023   4:06pm

Wow, what a week this has been! Hope yours were a bit more chill than mine haha! Let's get into it!

So first, there was a lot of traveling this week. As I mentioned last time, I was in Bahía getting my paperwork done. That all went along fine and now I'm legally allowed to be in Argentina for the next 21 months. Every new missionary has to get their papers done around the same time, which means that we often get to see people who we came in with, WHICH MEANS that I had the opportunity to hang out with the Elders Belliston, Frost, and Briones for the week, all guys who I came in with, which was super awesome to be able to see them again. Elder Briones was my comp for the week, which was wild, because he's from Ecuador, so we spoke only Spanish the entire time. Which wasn't a problem, and I actually ended up interpreting for him when we talked to a couple people who couldn't speak Español. Super awesome, it really showed me how far I've come with everything. 
I also was able to go on divisions a few times with some of the elders in Bahía, and it was awesome to see some of the parts of the city outside the center. It was also legit to get to know some of the elders that will be around for a while. Wonder if I'll ever get any of them as a comp. 
I got out of Bahía Wednesday evening and then headed for Santa Rosa so Elder Bain and I could go on divisions with our Zone Leaders, which was also a lot of fun. The leaders said that they thought I had like six months in the mission because of how well I spoke and I totally think they were just saying that to be nice, but it was a nice confidence boost. Being in their area was also different, it somehow felt easier to contact random people because I knew I wasn't going to see them again, so I could mess up and not have to look them in their judging eyes another day haha. I did learn a lot about how I could be scheduling my day better and how to construct a lesson in a simpler way, which has already helped a good amount. 
WE HAVE WATER! The people were able to get it fixed while we were away, so now we're living easy. The only thing that isn't working is the hot water for the shower. Which does suck a bit, but I'm just grateful to have it at all. God brings us to the low so that we can appreciate the high, everyone.
Yesterday was the finalization of elections here, and the guy who won, his name's Javier Milei, is actually crazy and I love it. I found a pamphlet of his, cut his picture out of it, and now he's in my journal. But yeah, people were celebrating last night, which got pretty wild and very loud, so it was pretty hard to sleep, but whatever. Pop off Milei supporters I guess. 
The ward had a country, like wild west country activity and it was super fun! The people who set it up asked me and Elder Bain for a good bid of advice, as we actually live in the US, and I'd like to think we were a big part in getting the party set up lol. 
Welp...yeah, that's been my week, onto TotS!
Since this week is Thanksgiving (which isn't celebrated here but whatever) I figured I should go over one about being thankful. Which means that this week's is Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God by Elder Dale G. Renlund. This talk is all about giving thanks towards the things and people that can and have changed our lives. Elder Renlund states that by thinking of these types of things often, we can use their examples and attitudes to constantly better ourselves and show more gratitude in turn. He uses the example of Alma the Younger and his conversion, showing how sharing your gratitude and focusing on the things which you're thankful for, like his parents, friends, and especially the Savior and His Atonement, can change you into a person completely different, someone who is open to the Spirit of the Lord and is willing to work. I really have been seeing this thankfulness working in my mission experience, I can go through a fair amount of disappointment in myself when I mess up even a little bit with something, but thinking about the things that have helped me and why I'm grateful for helps me have a better attitude about everything. It's pretty awesome.
But yeah, hope yalls weeks go well, be blessed, be thankful, eat a ton this Thanksgiving!!
Always grateful for YOU
Elder Montgomery 

I forgot to add pictures...again
1: The Country activity with the ward

2: The Country Boys

3: The Countriest Boy

4: Me and Elder Briones

5: Us in Bahía

6: Us in Bambú, a buffet place

7: View from our balcony

8: Zone Conference

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