Tuesday, November 7, 2023

One, Two, Skip a Few... (Week 14)

Monday, November 6, 2023   9:19am

That's right, everyone. If I did my math correctly, which it is very likely I didn't, today should be my 99th day as a missionary. Yaaaaaay! And tomorrow, the supposed 100th day, is also my half birthday. What a coincidence.

Anyways, hope everyone's doing well! This week was pretty great, despite us not being able to leave a few mornings for various reasons, one of which being dudes from the church from Bahía fixing up our pension. These dudes are miracle workers, I swear. They fixed a few sinks that didn't have hot water, straight up replaced multiple leaky pipes, fixed some of the shutters on our windows, and promised us a new oven, washing machine, and blender. I am very excited for all of this lol. 
We got Augustin and Jennifer in church yesterday! They loved it and said they learned a ton! We were also able to visit them afterwards and talk a little about tithing and church funding, which was very cool. 
Español is coming along very well, I estimate to be able to hold my own by the end of this month, but the Lord has a plan, so we'll see what happens. 
Since we stayed in a lot this week, I got a lot of studying done, which includes starting the Old Testament for basically no reason. Genesis was super interesting, but now we're almost finished with Exodus, which means I'm learning how to sacrifice stuff and how to build a tabernacle and how to...build...zzzzzzz
We have Zone Conference this Wednesdayand it'll be the first one I have in person, which is exciting. You never know what to expect from zone conference, but it should be good. 
Played some basketball and futbol with the ward and a few amigos last Saturday, which was actually a lot of fun. If you know me, you know I'm not a huge fan of sports, so I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed it. I guess anything that's different from the norm of teaching and walking is pretty exciting now haha. 
Nothing else really happened this week sooooooo
Onto our Conference Talk for the week! This week's is 'Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee,' by Bishop Keith B. McMullin. 
Bishop McMullin begins by reciting this verse from the titular hymn:
"Jesus, the very thought of thee 
With sweetness fills my breast; 
But sweeter far thy face to see 
And in thy presence rest"
He then goes on to explain what exactly a testimony of Jesus Christ entails and how we can gain and grow our own personal testimonies. He gives four points on how we can do this: Desire to Know, Study to Learn, Live to Merit, and Pray to Receive. I love these points a lot, specifically the Live to Merit. It reminds me of something one of my seminary teachers pressed into my mind, that 'Obedience precedes Faith which precedes Miracles' When we have that Desire to Know, we have to act and live according to the commandments of God and notice the blessings in our lives that come from it. Serving a mission is a great way to grow in faith btw. 
Well, love yall very much! Time has been moving pretty quickly, it's pretty wild that it's Pday again already. 

(No pictures this week, but he did call twice…once around noon, and then again in the evening so he could catch Eric, who had been at Chick-fil-A earlier.)

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