Monday, March 25, 2024

Domingo de Milagros (Week 34)

Monday, March 25, 2024   5:37pm 

Well howdy there folks, it's Pday once again! This week was pretty incredible, especially sacrament meeting yesterday, so let me go ahead and get into it! 

So this week, Elder Norton were able to find and teach a lot of families, not just like a bunch of adults who live together, but families with children and such, and gosh are they fun to teach. It's a bit difficult to round everyone up and gather their attention, but once we have it, the kids have so much interest and enthusiasm with the gospel, and you can really tell that the parents are happy that their kids learning more about Jesus and His love for them. Most of the kids we're teaching are above eight years old as well, sooooo I'm seeing some good baptisms here in the next few months for Pehua~~

Our friend from Mar Del Plata (Her name's Aleli) went back home yesterday. We were able to meet with her again after church, teach her a few more principles, introduce her to the Hermanas in her home area over video call, and put a BAPTISMAL DATE with her for the 20th of April. Heck yeah. She's been learning amazingly, and while I am a bit sad I probably won't see her baptized in person, I'm more just happy for her and all the awesome progress she's made. You're welcome for the free baptism, Hermanas. 

Our fecha right now, Lucia, is also doing amazing. She's so excited for her baptism, Branch President described her like a kid in a candy store. She always asks really good questions whenever we have lessons with her and she has a great memory and understanding for everything. She was also able to bring one of her grandkids to sacrament this week, and he's pretty interested in the Church as well. She's on track to get baptized in between General Conference sessions that Sunday, so we're super excited for her. 

Okay, so, sacrament meeting yesterday. First off, we had 21 people in the capilla, which is near record breaking for Pehua, AND the first counselor and his family couldn't be there when they usually are, so we have high hopes for this next Sunday. SECONDLY, we had three of our friends in church, three of our recent converts, and three inactive members that we've been working with. And finally, Elder Norton and I gave talks. The Spirit in the room was so strong and everything was so peaceful, I hadn't experienced a sacrament meeting like that out here up until then. Go to church yall, it's so worth it. 

Well aside from all that, not much this week! The grind keeps going forward, of course, we're always finding new opportunities to teach and learn every day. I gotta tell yall, I love this mission so much. I still don't have a lot of time here, but the experiences I've had are so amazing and already life-changing, and I can't wait to see what the future holds! 

Alrighty, love you all, hope you have a great week! Love God with all your heart, might, mind, and strength! He will bless you! 

Elder Montgomery~~

Finding the lost sheep

Once again a smol fren

Cleaned out the house 

La capilla

Welcome to Pehuajó, Elder Norton!

Empanadas are so good

Todos están invitados

Got that Miami jersey...

...DE MESSI BAYBEEE (Featuring Elder Green in the other colors)


Yuhh Pehuaaaa


Monday, March 18, 2024

¿Quieres Una Fecha? (Weeks 32 & 33)

 Holis amigitos! Apologies for missing last week, we were in another city doing divisions and we were busyyyyy. 

But anyways, mission work! It sure is going forward! These last few weeks, we had to let go a fair amount of our baptismal dates, but we also got a new one, and she's amazing! Her name's Lucia, she's our branch president's mother-in-law, she's been reading the Book of Mormon really well and is totally ready to be baptized, she just needs to come to church a few more times. Her baptism is happening next transfer though, which is only a week or so away now, what?! Time really do be flying, yall. 

We started teaching the girlfriend of an inactive member here, and she's incredible, reading the BoM very thoroughly, asking amazing questions, watching and reading extra things the church has put out, she's progressing quite quickly. The only downside is that she's not from Pehuajó, but she's visiting from Mar Del Plata, a different area in our mission, so if she gets baptized, it probably won't be by us,  but hey, I'm super happy and impressed regardless. 

Elder Norton and I have been cooking a lot. This last week, we made tortillas like, three times I think? We also made a lemon-garlic dressing to go with it and man, I've never eaten better. We've also made pasta salad, gnocchi, fried rice, a plentitude of items. Only thing that'd make it better is a bigger kitchen lol. 

We've been doing a ton of work to help out the ward, especially recently. For all those who don't know, Pehuajó isn't part of a stake in the Church, but it's a branch of the mission, so they don't receive a lot of support, but we're trying our best to help reactivate members and help the area grow so they can be part of a stake eventually. There are a lot of members here, but most of them aren't active, so we have a lot of work to do, but it is beginning to show. We've been pretty consistently growing our attendance in church over the past few weeks, so it's nice to see our labors come to fruition. 

A chico in our ward turned eight last week and had his baptism Saturday, which was super awesome! He told us we could invite our friends, and a good amount of them showed up! Unfortunately, Branch President couldn't be there, so us Elders were the presiding priesthood, aside from the kids dad, I guess, which means I had the opportunity to direct the baptism! It was pretty simple to do, but it was still awesome to welcome everyone and explain baptism and everything.

Welp, I think that's pretty much it! St Patrick's Day happened, but I don't think anyone here knows what that is. Which was good, I don't own anything green lol. But yeah, I'm still super glad to be out here, finding joy in the work and in my studies is such a backbreaking but fun experience, I wouldn't give it up for the world. 

I love you all very much, I hope yalls weeks go well! Be happy and know God loves you!!!

Elder Montgomery

Looks like a tsunami's coming

Big storm, Trenque Lauquen 

Weow so close

Bip un smol beastie

He really do be sittin doe

Pic goes hard, feel free to screenshot

Makin tortillas

Ooo que bussin fueron los burritos 

Poor thing broke its wing

Guau otro animal chiquito 

Elder Norton gave me a sweaterrr 

A kid in the branch got baptized and someone drew this lol 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

(Week 32?)

 No email from our boy this week for some reason. We did talk to him on Monday though. He was in the next area over for divisions, so maybe that’s why he wasn’t able to send his email? I don’t know. But he was doing good when we talked to him!

And these are the pics he added to his Google account this week…

Yuhhh finally sweaterish weather

Found a burger place in Pehua

And Holy Shenaiah it's good

Dinner tonight, grilled chicken and pasta salad

The beautiful city of Trenque Lauquen 


Branch President's goofy blind dog

Monday, March 4, 2024

The Ball that is Rolling (Week 31)

 Bienvenidos a todos a otro semana en la mision Bahía Blanca! This week was an insane one yall, and lemme tell you why. 

First, my companion, Elder Norton, que un capo él es! We've done a ton of amazing work this week, with much thanks to him. Like I think I already mentioned, he has a lot of time in the mission already, which means a lot of experience, which usually means RESULTS. But yeah, he's an awesome dude and totally what we needed in Pehuajó to get some stuff started around here. 

Second, our results! We've been able to put four baptismal dates with people just this first week of the transfer! It's insane! A lot of these people I had met before and hadn't given them much though, but after we passed by again and had a great lesson, most of them were totally ready to set a date. We also have a fair amount of people who are getting close to a baptismal date as well and we've found even more. It's incredible to see the work progressing at a rate like this. 

Anyways, we had Zone Conference this week, and it was pretty cool. President was talking about obedience a lot during it and he said something that I've been thinking about a lot, that when we're obedient with our commandments and covenants, we are blessed, often with more commandments and covenants. Everything He asks of us gives us more opportunities to grow and become more like Him. The commandments we are given aren't rules, they're guidelines that show us the way to exaltation. Loved that thought a ton and I've been thinking about it all week and how I can better help our amigos to understand that principle. 

Well, once again, it is late, so I'll leave it here for now. Although, I will say that yall should read 'The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?' by President Nelson. Great talk, very good.

Anyways, love you all! Be good and be happy! 
Elder Montgomery

Zone Conference, Santa Rosa

Dat Priesthood Power

Que rico esta porquería

Opened the phone and it was in selfie mode lol

Elder Norton is the tallest in our district...

...and Hermana Everett is the shortest