Monday, March 18, 2024

¿Quieres Una Fecha? (Weeks 32 & 33)

 Holis amigitos! Apologies for missing last week, we were in another city doing divisions and we were busyyyyy. 

But anyways, mission work! It sure is going forward! These last few weeks, we had to let go a fair amount of our baptismal dates, but we also got a new one, and she's amazing! Her name's Lucia, she's our branch president's mother-in-law, she's been reading the Book of Mormon really well and is totally ready to be baptized, she just needs to come to church a few more times. Her baptism is happening next transfer though, which is only a week or so away now, what?! Time really do be flying, yall. 

We started teaching the girlfriend of an inactive member here, and she's incredible, reading the BoM very thoroughly, asking amazing questions, watching and reading extra things the church has put out, she's progressing quite quickly. The only downside is that she's not from Pehuajó, but she's visiting from Mar Del Plata, a different area in our mission, so if she gets baptized, it probably won't be by us,  but hey, I'm super happy and impressed regardless. 

Elder Norton and I have been cooking a lot. This last week, we made tortillas like, three times I think? We also made a lemon-garlic dressing to go with it and man, I've never eaten better. We've also made pasta salad, gnocchi, fried rice, a plentitude of items. Only thing that'd make it better is a bigger kitchen lol. 

We've been doing a ton of work to help out the ward, especially recently. For all those who don't know, Pehuajó isn't part of a stake in the Church, but it's a branch of the mission, so they don't receive a lot of support, but we're trying our best to help reactivate members and help the area grow so they can be part of a stake eventually. There are a lot of members here, but most of them aren't active, so we have a lot of work to do, but it is beginning to show. We've been pretty consistently growing our attendance in church over the past few weeks, so it's nice to see our labors come to fruition. 

A chico in our ward turned eight last week and had his baptism Saturday, which was super awesome! He told us we could invite our friends, and a good amount of them showed up! Unfortunately, Branch President couldn't be there, so us Elders were the presiding priesthood, aside from the kids dad, I guess, which means I had the opportunity to direct the baptism! It was pretty simple to do, but it was still awesome to welcome everyone and explain baptism and everything.

Welp, I think that's pretty much it! St Patrick's Day happened, but I don't think anyone here knows what that is. Which was good, I don't own anything green lol. But yeah, I'm still super glad to be out here, finding joy in the work and in my studies is such a backbreaking but fun experience, I wouldn't give it up for the world. 

I love you all very much, I hope yalls weeks go well! Be happy and know God loves you!!!

Elder Montgomery

Looks like a tsunami's coming

Big storm, Trenque Lauquen 

Weow so close

Bip un smol beastie

He really do be sittin doe

Pic goes hard, feel free to screenshot

Makin tortillas

Ooo que bussin fueron los burritos 

Poor thing broke its wing

Guau otro animal chiquito 

Elder Norton gave me a sweaterrr 

A kid in the branch got baptized and someone drew this lol 

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