Monday, March 4, 2024

The Ball that is Rolling (Week 31)

 Bienvenidos a todos a otro semana en la mision Bahía Blanca! This week was an insane one yall, and lemme tell you why. 

First, my companion, Elder Norton, que un capo él es! We've done a ton of amazing work this week, with much thanks to him. Like I think I already mentioned, he has a lot of time in the mission already, which means a lot of experience, which usually means RESULTS. But yeah, he's an awesome dude and totally what we needed in Pehuajó to get some stuff started around here. 

Second, our results! We've been able to put four baptismal dates with people just this first week of the transfer! It's insane! A lot of these people I had met before and hadn't given them much though, but after we passed by again and had a great lesson, most of them were totally ready to set a date. We also have a fair amount of people who are getting close to a baptismal date as well and we've found even more. It's incredible to see the work progressing at a rate like this. 

Anyways, we had Zone Conference this week, and it was pretty cool. President was talking about obedience a lot during it and he said something that I've been thinking about a lot, that when we're obedient with our commandments and covenants, we are blessed, often with more commandments and covenants. Everything He asks of us gives us more opportunities to grow and become more like Him. The commandments we are given aren't rules, they're guidelines that show us the way to exaltation. Loved that thought a ton and I've been thinking about it all week and how I can better help our amigos to understand that principle. 

Well, once again, it is late, so I'll leave it here for now. Although, I will say that yall should read 'The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?' by President Nelson. Great talk, very good.

Anyways, love you all! Be good and be happy! 
Elder Montgomery

Zone Conference, Santa Rosa

Dat Priesthood Power

Que rico esta porquería

Opened the phone and it was in selfie mode lol

Elder Norton is the tallest in our district...

...and Hermana Everett is the shortest

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