Monday, February 26, 2024

A New Pehuajomie?!?! (Week 30)

Monday, February 26, 2024   8:24pm

Howdy there folks, what a week it's been! I'll just hop right into it because it's LATE! 

So, transfers just happened, and I lost my comp, Elder Haddock, to the great city of Mar Del Plata, may he work hard and be successful. But that means I have a new comp here in Pehua, and he is *...drum roll...* Elder Norton!! Who was in the other Pico area when I was there! It's pretty dope actually, getting to know him better and see how he works. He's only got four months left in the mission, so I have a lot to learn from him. 

But yeah, the work is going really great right now, it's incredible to see! Just this week, we were able to put two baptismal dates with some friends and have a lot of lessons with members! That's also something we're going to focus on a lot this month, those lessons with members, because a lot of the families here are incomplete, where one family member is baptized but a lot of them aren't. It's also helped me see the love that families have for eachother and has made me remember how grateful I am for my own family. Wouldn't be out here without them! 

Well, it's late, so I'll end here I suppose! I'll have to regale you all with my other escapades next week, but until then, I love you all, stay safe and stay faithful!!
~Elder Montgomery~

Lovely cake to celebrate Marcelo's baptism

Little gift from Elder Haddock 

Cool graffiti in Santa Rosa 

I love all the landscapes in Argentina

New comp in Pehua?!?!

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