Monday, June 24, 2024

Monterrego (Week 47)

Monday, June 24, 2024   9:15pm  

Hey yall, once again it is pday, how exciting. It's a little late rn, so I'll make this kinda quick

Transfers happened, I lost Elder Bardales to his home of Rosario, how sad. My new comp is Elder Canizales, he's got 3 months in the mission at the moment, and I'm his first comp out of training. He's cool, he's got a lot of energy and fire to share the gospel, so I'm sure we'll get a lot of good work done together. 

Elder Canizales was actually just in an area that's 30 minutes of a drive away from here called Dorrego, and he technically hasn't left, because we had to join the areas together. We had almost 40 missionaries leave this transfer, so a lot of areas had to close or join together like that to accommodate the change. Just means that now I'm basically in charge of a huge area and two congregations. No pressure, right? 

Other than that, nothing too crazy. I got to see my comps who were leaving as well, which I enjoyed, I also just deep cleaned our pension and now I feel a lot happier living here. Clean your pensions, you missionaries out there. Really enjoyed Come Follow Me this week, which talked about Amulek and Alma and their efforts to teach the gospel together. Alma's example as a missionary has always inspired me, and I loved seeing that even he worked with the 'members' in his area to help teach the gospel, which is something I really want to start focusing on out here. Members are cool, yall, they know people who actually live in the city, they have great testimonies, they give us food, and they're especially cool when they teach with us *winkwink*

Anyways yall, like I said, it's late and I like to sleep, so I'll go ahead and leave this week here. 
Love yall always, hope your week is very blessed! Remember to look for God in everything!
Peace out
Elder Montgomery 

Bye Bye Bardales!! Te Amamos Un Montón!!


Our friend Alejandro!

Mario el capo

Aaaa mis compás

Cya amigo

First day with Elder Canizalesss

Bienvenidos a Monte, Elder Canizales!

Re nublado hoy

Gotta drink that personal study tea☕️

It be lit 

Aguante Monte


Monday, June 17, 2024

Dead Elder Walking (actually Week 46)

Monday, June 17, 2024    9:58pm

Wassup my nieces and nephews, hope everything's going alright for yall.

Alright, so this week has been pretty interesting. My dear comp, Elder Bardales, goes home this Friday, and while he's still working very hard, you can tell it's weighing on him, poor guy. He's started getting packed already, and it's so fun seeing how excited he is to see his family again. Definitely doesn't make me miss mine or anything. 

This week was kinda slow with the work, it seems as though a lot of our friends have been moving away from Monte Hermoso or something, because we visit their houses during all hours of the day, but nobody is there. It's a little odd and a bit depressive, but that's why we've gotta keep finding. If I end up staying, I'm planning on working a bit closer with the members so we can find people who are actually from here.

On that note, we had some friends and members come in clutch yesterday. We had a member bring a friend to church, AND our friend Willy brought a friend as well! Willy's friend Mauricio is also really interested in learning more, so we're really excited to talk to him this later this week! Willy also told us later that Mauricio really liked the meeting and hopes he can come every week from now on, which is so awesome, I love seeing the church have such a positive effect on someone. 

We also had an awesome lesson with our friends Alejandro and Franco last night. They've been reading el Libro de Mormon and had a lot of good questions about our personal testimonies, questions like 'if Joseph Smith was from Russia, would you still be a member of the church?' It was interesting, because I ended up saying 'It doesnt matter to me' a lot, because it's the truth! It wouldn't matter where the church was restored or who I serve with, because as long as the church is true and God's guidance is there, we are in the right place. The spirit was really strong in that house, it was so awesome. 

We also had a great talk with Willy about the challenges we face in life and the importance of persevering til the end. This guy is so close go being baptized it's awesome. 

Welp, Father's Day happened, I hope all the fathers out there had a great one. I'm super grateful for all the incredible father figures I've had over the last twentyish years that have helped me become the person I am today, and especially for my actual dad, who's  always there to help and support me. Yall are awesome.

Aighty, getting this out a bit late, but all chill. Hope you all have a great week this week, stay cool or warm depending on what side of the hemisphere you're on lol. 

Much love!
Elder Montgomery

Oh wow another sunset photo, how original

Fullscreen for your viewing pleasure 

Woah que ascetic 

I'm not going to explain this

Headin for Bahía with the District!!

Miren este vago

Thought the posters in here were cool

It's bigger than I expected

English class moment

Obligatory beach pics