Tuesday, June 4, 2024

It's Frikem Wimbdy (Week 44)

Monday, June 3, 2024   2:42pm

Heyo, que tal mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, bienvenidos a la porqueria que es un otro correo del Elder Montgomery

Hope yall are doing well, I'm doing great, thanks for asking, why don't I tell you about it?

First off, we found a lot of people who had been taught a while ago who weren't progressing in one moment who are totally ready to start taking lessons again. A lot of them even told us that they were planning on coming to church, which is awesome because people usually don't bring that up under their own free wills. None of them actually showed up to church yesterday  but hey, they have the desire at least, we can work with that. 

Found a guy this week named Eduardo. He told us lives by himself and gets kinda lonely, so he's super happy to talk to us when be can, especially about the Gospel. We've only had one lesson with him thus far, but it was a very powerful one and I know all of us were feeling the Spirit very strongly, so I'm excited to talk to him again this week. 

To allude to the title, this week has been very windy, so much so that we can hear the waves crashing on the beach basically no matter where we are in the city, it's a pretty cool effect. It also makes me grateful that I brought a scarf and gloves with me. 

Not too much else went on last week work wise, but I've been having a great time study wise. Right now in Come Follow Me, we're reading through one of my favorite stories in the scriptures about Alma the Younger, and I just absolutely love the themes of testimony, constant prayer, and the Lord's timing in it. We had a good talk with one of our friends about prayer ans how whether or not praying constantly for something that seems like a lost cause is worth it, and I think this story answers that question. A lot of people probably would have said Alma was a lost cause, but his family and friends still prayed for him continually, and as we see, those prayers came to fruition. That doesn't mean that an angel is going to come down and solve our problems after we pray enough, but our constant prayers and faith will always have a positive effect in our lives and the lives of those we love. 

So yeah, I want to invite you all to pray! Pray always, especially for the church, and not to sound like I'm begging, but for missionaries and their friends, because yall, they need it, and they need it bad.

Anyways, love yall, hope you feel God's love and see His Hand in all things! OHOH and also enjoy the new Hymns and stuff, they're super awesome, glad to finally see It Is Well With My Soul on the Gospel Library haha! 

Recuerden, Dios te hizo especial y te ama mucho! (Very original quote I just came up with) 

Elder Montgomery

Ermagersh a lighthouse


Consejo de Distrito moment

Bienvenidos a Sauce Grande

Ah nah whatd they do to my boy Jesus

Weow la playa

Ooo el anochecer

And with that we've hit 10

A person who thinks all the time....

Yuuhh historia familiar

Oh give me a home...

Yall aren't tired of beach pictures yet, right?

Looks like an anime outro' -Elder Bardales

Oh? Y que es esto?

Now this is podracing 

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