Monday, June 24, 2024

Monterrego (Week 47)

Monday, June 24, 2024   9:15pm  

Hey yall, once again it is pday, how exciting. It's a little late rn, so I'll make this kinda quick

Transfers happened, I lost Elder Bardales to his home of Rosario, how sad. My new comp is Elder Canizales, he's got 3 months in the mission at the moment, and I'm his first comp out of training. He's cool, he's got a lot of energy and fire to share the gospel, so I'm sure we'll get a lot of good work done together. 

Elder Canizales was actually just in an area that's 30 minutes of a drive away from here called Dorrego, and he technically hasn't left, because we had to join the areas together. We had almost 40 missionaries leave this transfer, so a lot of areas had to close or join together like that to accommodate the change. Just means that now I'm basically in charge of a huge area and two congregations. No pressure, right? 

Other than that, nothing too crazy. I got to see my comps who were leaving as well, which I enjoyed, I also just deep cleaned our pension and now I feel a lot happier living here. Clean your pensions, you missionaries out there. Really enjoyed Come Follow Me this week, which talked about Amulek and Alma and their efforts to teach the gospel together. Alma's example as a missionary has always inspired me, and I loved seeing that even he worked with the 'members' in his area to help teach the gospel, which is something I really want to start focusing on out here. Members are cool, yall, they know people who actually live in the city, they have great testimonies, they give us food, and they're especially cool when they teach with us *winkwink*

Anyways yall, like I said, it's late and I like to sleep, so I'll go ahead and leave this week here. 
Love yall always, hope your week is very blessed! Remember to look for God in everything!
Peace out
Elder Montgomery 

Bye Bye Bardales!! Te Amamos Un Montón!!


Our friend Alejandro!

Mario el capo

Aaaa mis compás

Cya amigo

First day with Elder Canizalesss

Bienvenidos a Monte, Elder Canizales!

Re nublado hoy

Gotta drink that personal study tea☕️

It be lit 

Aguante Monte


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