Monday, August 12, 2024

Falamos Espanhol!? (Week 54)

Monday, August 12, 2024   8:56pm

Hey erreone, how's it hanging?! Welp, had a few changes go down this last week, so I'll go ahead and start telling yall about them! 

Before all the craziness of the transfers went down, the days passed by in Monte very slowly, because there was basically a mini hurricane going on outside for like two days. It was kinda cool being inside for it, because the roof of the pension is made out of metal, so the rain made a really nice white noise-ish sound on the roof. Safe to say I had some pretty good siestas those days. Unfortunately that also meant that I spent all my time packing and doing nothing else, so it was a pretty meh disembark from Monte. 

So anyways, transfers! I finally go to go to Bahía and hang out with a bunch of friends there, a bunch of whom I hadn't seen in quite a long time! I also got to take the bus that makes rounds for the whole mission, dropping off missionaries in their various zones the whole time as well, where I ended up sat next to Elder Nieto, a good friend of mine from my first transfers in Pico. Again, super nice to be able to catch up with all these Elders that I hadn't seen in a while. 

I also ended up having to take a different bus from the center area of the zone, Olavarria, to Azul, my new area, and because no one else in Azul was changing out, I was on the bus without a companion, which honestly felt really odd, but I made it to Azul safe and sound with my new comp Elder Aguiar from Brazil! He's got about 20 months in the mission, so we have no problem communicating in our second languages, but it's still good that I picked up a little bit of Portuguese a couple months ago haha! 

I'm also the district leader of the, well, district here, so I'm in charge of making sure all my little misioneros are happy, healthy, and working, and they're all doing a really great job in the last three days I've been here, I'm excited to see how we all do this transfer!! 

Outside of that, nothing else too wild has been going on with me. I think I might have already mentioned it, but my brother Eric got his mission call a couple weeks ago and is going to the Salt Lake City West Spanish speaking mission! I'm really proud of him for making that incredible decision to serve the Lord, and I'm also psyched to be able to talk with him in Spanish sometime soon! 

Anyways anyways, it's pretty late, so I think I'll wrap up here for now. Member yall, I love ya, I think about ya, and I'm praying for ya! Have a great week!!
Elder Montgomery 

Lil bit o bean truc, first time in 'Tina

Chau, Monte!

Hermano Cristian D'Anuncio, el capo de Monte

Shonk mimimimimi

Los traslados

Te amo, Peruano

On the bus to Azul, completely alone... feels weird lol

When in Azul...

Ooo Spanish Pride and Prejudice a member had

Goat statue cuz why not

First Sunday in Azul ft. Elder Aguiar!!

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