Monday, August 5, 2024

I'm Blue (Week 53)

Monday, August 5, 2024    4:34pm

Heyheyhey how's it going mis amigos? Welp, another transfer has come and gone just like that, and as usual, we had a really amazing week right before we receive the changes. Odd how that works, isn't it? 

Well, there was a lot of miracles this week, first of which was a dude we found named Nahuel. He'd talked to a few missionaries before, and he thinks we're 'chicos buenos,' but he doesn't like churches very much. He's got a few interesting beliefs when it comes to gospel, like how he doesn't think Jesus was perfect n odd things like that, so we've been trying to help him out. He's a bit intense, but I honestly am able to feel the Spirit in the few lessons we've had with him, so I don't mind teaching him still. Hopefully he can come to church soon and see it's not too bad. 

We got a pretty cool reference for a guy from Bahía that some hermanas had met. His name's Andres, and honestly he's a stud. We've only had one lesson with him, but he loved the message of the Restoration and totally accepted un Libro de Mormón, also wanted to come to church, but had some pretty bad headaches and couldn't come. We had actually had a bit of a struggle having the lesson with him because he's been going through some chemo treatments, which is totally understandable, but still, I'm very hopeful for him. 

One of the members here was able to come with us to a great lesson with a woman named Ester and her granddaughter Naiara, and that lesson was amazing. Ester had talked with some of  the other missionaries before and had a LdM and everything, but had never had an actual lesson before, as the other missionaries weren't able to get a member to come with them. She really opened up to us about her struggles, doubts, and fears and asked some great questions, overall was just going so well, well enough that I felt to put a baptismal date with Ester. She told us she was open to the idea, but wanted to come to church first to see how it was, and luckily enough she and Naiara were both able to make it on Sunday for fast and testimony meeting, which was also amazing. We have another lesson planned on Saturday with her, so here's to hoping we get a date set!

One of the craziest things this week was with our great friend Willy. Very randomly this week we walked past his house just as he was pulling into his driveway, so we waited for a sec to say hi to him. He immediately jumped out of his car, really happy to see us, and says, 'Hey Elders! When can I get baptized?' I have never been so surprised by something before! We have a lesson set on Wednesday to talk about it, as we still have a couple of things to teach him before he can get in the font, but he has that desire, which is the most important part! I'm so excited to see how it goes! 

Sadly, I won't be here for Willy's baptism, because, as I mentioned before, transfers came, and president actually already called us to let us know what's happening, which was wild, he usually doesn't do it that early. So, this transfer, I will be going to a city called Azul, which is in the Olavarria zone more towards the north of the mission. I'll also be stepping up into the position of District Leader, so I'll have some added responsibilities, but no problem, oldest of seven here, extra responsibilities are my jam. I'm excited to see how everything's going over there and how I can help everything improve over there! Another new beginning, no? 

Anyways, nothing else too crazy this week, I'm just really glad for the time I've had in Monte, all the awesome people, awesome lessons, and awesome beach pics will be missed, pero hay que seguir! 
I'll talk to yall next week, as always! 
Mucho amor! 
Elder Montgomery 

Tried my hand at Philly Cheesesteaks (Thanks for the recipe @Elder Malone)

Divisions with Elder Arias

Hadn't visited the beach in a hot minute

La noche de hogar

Headin tuh chirch

'We don't have a suit pic, Elder!'

Ultimo consejo de distrito del traslado

Hno Martin💪

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