Monday, August 19, 2024

Okey, Empecemos de Nuevo!! (Week 55)

Monday, August 19, 2024 8:46pm

Hihi everyone, buenas tardes! Hoping yall are doing great! So as normal, I have a little bit of news on the goabouts down here in the other down under, and this time, everything is getting a little spicy. 

First off, we had a pretty awesome week, Elder Aguiar and I were able to find a couple of pretty cool people, first of which was the mom of a family of six kids who's really excited to come to church. They all wanted to come yesterday, but had some plans and their car is broken, so no luck there. Hopefully they'll be able to make it this next week, we might need to round up a couple members to help take them to church if their car isn't fixed. We'll see how it goes though!

I can't remember if I've already mentioned Raul, the guy we have on baptismal date right now, or not, but we had a great talk with him and his partner, who's a member, about what they need to to do get married so Raul can get baptized, and it's looking really close now, I'd guess the first Saturday in September. Some cool facts about Raul, he's been taught for almost three years now, he's listened to the Libro de Mormón a bunch of times, he basically knows more about the gospel than his girlfriend, and, oh yeah, he's blind. Super awesome dude, I'm glad to be helping him out at the moment. 

We made some good plans with the ward missionaries this week to visit some of the more inactive members, cuz we need them right now. The branch is trying to become a ward before the end of the year, and we need 70 tithe paying members to 'level up' in that sense, so we'll be working hard to get those numbers up. That being said, I have met quite a few inactives here, and they're all a bit goofy, but it's aight, I'm sure we'll find a way to get through to them.

We just this morning received some disheartening news; we are having some emergency transfers done and Elder Aguiar will be leaving Azul. NOOOOOO, how I will go on I do not know. This week with him was really awesome and I'll miss him a lot, I'm super appreciative of his willingness to work and his efficiency when showing me how the area works, so hopefully I can keep his legacy moving forward. My new companion is Elder Senador, from Peru. He's actually one of the Elders that got here with me, but I haven't crossed paths with him that much, so I don't really know him yet, but we'll see! I'm excited to start the work with him! Oh, they also decided to merge the two areas of Azul and kick out the other elders, so now my area is gigantic and I literally have no idea what's going on over there, but it's fine, we're fine. 

Well, other than all that craziness, nothing too much else went down this week, I'm sure I'll have a lot to talk about next though. So yeah, I hope you all have a great and very blessed week, remember to look for the hand of the Lord in all things, and to pray, He wants to hear from you!

Os quiero mucho, hermanos y hermanas mios, nos veremos pronto!

Elder Montgomery




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