Monday, October 16, 2023

Batptism! You want it? It's yours, my friend. (Week 11)

Monday, October 16, 2023   7:26am

I am so disappointed in myself for not adding a title last week! If I were to add one now, I think I'd call it 'Learning and Teaching, Teaching and Learning.' There's been a ton of that going on these last few weeks haha. Also, no, you didn't miss week 10, I just realized that I didn't send an email during my home MTC, so it's technically week 11 now. Wild. 

Anyways, hope everyone's been doing great and feeling blessed! I know I sure am, cause we were able to get someone put on date for baptism! HECK YEAH, FIRST ONE! The actual baptism is happening this Saturday, and I'm supposed to give a talk on the Holy Ghost. In Spanish. Cakewalk. But yeah, I'm super excited, and again, I'll have more on that when it happens. 
We've had some other pretty big wins as well, like we've been able to find a lot more new people who are open to lessons, the amigos we do have are progressing really well, we actually got some people to church yesterday, AND we found a carniceria that is both cheap and high quality. Gotta love Argentina for that high-quality meat, yall. 
Speaking of cooking, I actually got to try out some other recipes this week, and they all turned out a lot better than I was expecting. Elder Bain also taught me how to make Brazilian hot dogs, which are heavenly. I have a couple pictures, I'll throw them in later.
In case anyone was wondering, my Spanish has come along very nicely. I can pretty much say anything I want to at this point, not in the most grammatically correct way, but I can say it nonetheless. The hard part has become understanding people, like seriously. My brain will recognize all the words people say, but it takes it a little bit to string everything together and make sense of what they said. It's fine though, it gets better every day. 
Anyways, let's move on to the conference talk for this week! Yesterday was Mother's Day here in Argentina, so I thought it would be best if I did one accordingly. This one is called Behold Thy Mother by Elder Jeffery R. Holland, October 2015. This talk has been a favorite of mine for a while because of how much it helped me realize what my mom has done for me when I heard it the first time. The talk itself draws a lot of parallels between the love of the Savior and the love of a mother, showing us how the scriptures talk about the Savior, how he has 'borne' our burdens, 'delivers' us from captivity, 'carried' us in our times of sorrow. Sounds a bit similar to something mothers go through, right? They've carried us, quite literally, through times of vulnerability and weakness when we couldn't have helped ourselves. It was definitely painful and stressful for them sometimes, but they love us nonetheless. My own mother is a perfect example of this. She's helped me through every tough time in my life, and I know I wouldn't be out here without her support. I hope all you mothers out there know how much your kids, biological or not, love and appreciate you. So yeah, I only have one invitation this week, and that's to let a mother in your life know how much you appreciate them. Call them, text them, give them a hug and a kind word, anything. It'll mean everything to them because you are everything to them. 
Wellumanyways, this week was great and time has really been flying. Transfers are this week, although I'm most likely not going anywhere because I'm still in training. Yeyyy. But yeah, I love it here, the people are awesome, the work is awesome, the language is awesome, the Gospel is PERFECT. *drops mic*
Love you guys, see you next week!!
Elder Montgomery 

Picture tii~~me
1. and 2. MacNCheese we made

3. 4. and 5. French toast we made

6. Cool photo opp

7. This was from conference, the guys just sent them to me lol. 

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