Monday, October 23, 2023

First of Many, Hopefully (Week 12)

     Monday, October 23, 2023   10:37am

Hellooooooooo North America!!!

Hope everyone's week is going great! 
Alrighty, so, drumroll please. Transfers happened aaaaaand....I'm staying in Pico with Elder Bain. Heck yeah. I didn't think I was going to move anywhere but there's always a risk. I was more afraid of Elder Bain leaving tbh haha. But yeah, the next six weeks will be me and him just hanging out, saving souls, the like. SPEAKING OF SAVING SOULS, we did it yall. First baptism acquired. Elder Bain and I had the pleasure of witnessing our friend Raquel's baptism last Saturday, and it was amazing. Raquel has been taught by a lot of missionaries and was totally ready to be baptized the whole time, but she needed the right people to just push her in that direction. She told us after her baptism that there's just something different about us that she trusted a lot more than all the others. That really solidified my testimony of divine revelation and the fact that missionaries are called of God. She also asked me to give the talk about the Holy Ghost afterwards, and gosh, I was so nervous about it, but after I finished, people were crying and I was crying and we all felt the Spirit so strong. It was incredible. 
Well, other than the baptism, not a lot has happened this week. Spanish is always improving, we get closer to our amigos and God every day, and the value of the Peso goes down weekly. It's about 1000 pesos to one dollar now. Loco. 
Oh yeah, yesterday was voting day here, which could be a really good thing or a not very good thing, because riots will probably happen if the guy who looks like he's gonna win does win. So that'll be fun. 
Well um yeah, not too much this week other than the baptism, but yeah, I love my mission, I'm so excited for the rest of it!!
Love you all a ton!! 
Elder Montgomery

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