Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Heat in the Ghost Town (Week 25)

Monday, January 22, 2024    9:07pm

 Well hello everyone, buenas noches! Hope this week went well for everybody, let me go ahead and launch into mine because it's LATE

So, we have a couple of people on baptismal date right now and they're doing awesome. One of the guys is named Marcelo and he's literally reading every pamphlet and the Book of Mormon so well and has a great handle on the gospel. He actually told us that he needed to be baptized before we put a date with him, it was crazy. The other date we have, Roberto, is a bit older that has a hard time reading, but he still has a great testimony and a knowledge that the church is true. He's been able to come to church the last few weeks, which is incredible, it's so hard to get anyone in the capilla lol. But yeah, I'm excited for them! Can't wait to see how they progress! 

Outside of our baptismal dates, this week was pretty slow work-wise. Right now is summer in Argentina, so everyone is on vacation. That means that there is nobody and nothing in this already tiny town of Pehuajó, it's wild. We have been trying a lot harder to contact everyone we meet, but people aren't very willing to listen usually, but whatever! Always have to keep pushing forward, not going to find the elegidos otherwise!

It's been a bit hot this week! Normally, that's not a problem for me, I'm usually pretty cold, but we don't have an air conditioner in our pension. Yeah. There is no break from the heat. We do have a couple fans, but with how humid it is, they pretty much just move hot air around. Again, it's fine, we're drinking plenty of water and walking in the shade and everything, I'm not getting heatstroke out here. Just gotta think cold thoughts lol. 

I just had a pretty awesome miracle a couple hours ago! Right now, I'm in a different city doing divisions, and the Elder I went with is super cool, he's named Elder Holmes. So, he and I, we walk around, make a few contacts, try to have a few lessons, then we go to the church to try to buy bus tickets online, because we have zone conference this Wednesday. Unfortunately, the computer wasn't working, so we just decided to go to the physical bus terminal later to get them. Well, pretty soon after, Elder Holmes gets a call that he's going to be moving areas in relation to an emergency transfer, and he's getting moved to Santa Rosa, where we have our conference. So we decide, 'oh, we should probably get those bus tickets now then' to gelive him time to pack. WELL, on our way to the bus terminal, we felt like we needed to talk to this dude we saw walking on the sidewalk towards us. So we say hello, introduce ourselves and our message, and he's totally into it. He says his name is Esteban, and he asks a bunch of really good questions about the Church and what makes it different. After we talk for a bit, Esteban tells us that he's going through a really hard moment in his life right now and that the Chuch sounds like something that could help him out. So we gave him a pamphlet, got his number, bore our testimonies, and sent him on his way! It was definitely the coolest street contact I've been a part of thus far. 
The experience just really showed Elder Holmes and I how much God is really in the details of our lives, like how if the computer was working, we wouldn't have gone to the terminal, and how if he didn't get that phone call, we wouldn't have gone down that early either. We were meant to meet Esteban that night, and he's going to do great things for himself and his family because of it. So tonight I want to invite you all to look for those moments in your lives too! Look for where God put you in places where you were supposed to be to further his work! It'll amaze you how much He has helped you and helped others THROUGH you. 

Welp, it is very late and I need to sleep, so this is all for now! 
I love you all very much, talk to you next week!!
Elder Montgomery~~

Took some photos for a zone challenge

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