Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Six. Seis. ろく. (Week 26)

Tuesday, January 30, 2024   11:57am

Wassup my Pehuajomies!! Espero que todos esten bien!! I know I'm sending this out not on Pday, but I promise I wrote it on Pday, I just don't have WiFi en casa jaja. 

Well, we did it! Well, part of it lol. This week makes six months of the mission, or just about a quarter of the way through, and it went just like that! Pretty wild honestly. The last six months have been incredible though. Looking back, I can see already how much I've learned and grown just by being out here, and I can't wait for what this next year and a half has in store! For now though, I'll just keep focusing on this week, and speaking of which...

This week was an interesting one! Like I've said, people are all out on vacations at the moment, which is making it a bit  difficult to find anyone to have lessons with. This week, Elder Haddock and I were trying to focus on finding new people to teach, so to the streets we went! Overall, we probably contacted an average of 50-60 people in the street every day, and the craziest thing? We probably found only 3 or 4 that are really going to progress at all, otherwise no one was interested! I do kind of understand, a couple of random dudes are asking if your interested in learning about Jesus when you're on the way to work or whatever, it's a bit of a weird situation. But still, so many of them will say, 'Another time, chicos!' and then walk away without giving us any contact information. Lovely. 

That situation made it hard to have a good attitude some days, but every time I started thinking negative, I'd think back to the Zone Conference we just had. We talked a lot about pride and attitudes and how just by being optimistic and trying your hardest every day will lead to success, especially when we keep from judging others, stay humble, and teach anyone and everyone, regardless of their or our situations. It's a pretty powerful message, and it's honestly helped me get into gear with our contacting, especially when it seemed fruitless to do so. 

We did focus on a specific talk for the Conference, which was 'Beware of Pride' by President Benson. It's an amazing talk, and I've already read it multiple times on the mission. I'd just like to invite yall to read it and take a look at where you can maybe leave a bit of pride behind and help someone else. For me personally, I've tried to be in a better mindset about the Argentine culture. A lot of the culture is pretty lazy sometimes, which can make me a little frustrated, but the Gospel can work with that. As long as I can take a step down from my pride and help invite the Spirit into their lives, they will move forward, sí o sí. 

Just to finish, I wanted to tell yall about a milagro Elder Haddock and I saw this week. One of our amigos, Marcelo, who is on date for a baptism, told us something amazing. Since last Sunday, he hasn't drank a drop of alcohol. He told us he'd normally drink maybe two or three beers near the end of most days. We haven't taught him the Word of Wisdom yet, but he still felt that he should stop drinking! Also, he started to get into a routine of praying every day. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!! Anyways, we're really proud of Marcelo, he's progressing amazingly, as long as we can get him in the Church the next fee Sundays, he should be baptized by the end of the month! Exciting!!

Welp, I'll leave it there for today! I hope you all have a great week, January's almost over, just hold out a little longer, and it'll be spring again! Unless you're cool like me, we have fall coming up next 😎

Haha, love you all tons! Mucho exito, capos!!
~Elder Montgomery~

View from the Trenque Lauquen pension

Los Elderes de Holy Rose

Yes I actually drew this

Una gatita 

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