Monday, January 15, 2024

Pehuajó: The Beginning (Week 24)

Monday, January 15, 2024    8:49pm

Well hello there my friends!! Hope everyone's doing well! 

Well, new developments have occurred here in the mission de Bahía Blanca, i.e. transfers, and I have left General Pico. Now, I'm living in a pueblito called Pehuajó, and thus far, it's going great!

Alright, before everyone asks, yes, I miss Pico. There's a lot of great people I'm leaving behind there, but that's the mission culture, baby. I leave everything in Elder Sykes hands, he'll do great. But still, I'll miss my people. At least i have the great memories, you know? 

Now, Pehuajó. It's honestly kinda similar to Pico, but it's a bit smaller and a bit less...rico. But still, the people are friendly and the work goes forward. My new comp, Elder Haddock, and I were actually able to put someone on date this evening! It's been a bit odd meeting new people like this again, but at least I can speak Spanish this time lol. The people in the branch here are really nice, but it's small, like, small small, soooo we don't get meals with them here. Which is fine, budgeting ftw. 

Well, nothing much going on this week outside of transfers and I'm getting this sent out REALLY late today so imma end it here, but I love yall! Hope you all have a great week! Be sure to ask for opportunities to serve those around you! Love God and be happy! 
Elder Montgomery 

1 Nefi 3:7

Mis queridos, Agustin y Jenifer

Bye Pico!!! Te voy a extrañar 

A toast to Pico 

Amamos a Jesús acá


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