Monday, January 8, 2024

Progress and Potential (Week 23)

Monday, January 8, 2024   8:37pm

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well, feeling fresh, hitting that gym, whatever your resolutions might be!

Well yeah, this week has been pretty awesome in regards to the work! We've found quite a few people again and set up quite a few lessons, now that people are getting back from vacations. We've also had some amazing lessons with our progressing friends and I've loved to see them find the truth in the Book of Mormon and begin to glimpse their divine potential. Another thing that has been a blessing to see is people finding peace in the Plan of Salvation, especially with so many of them losing loved ones. It brings me a lot of joy to see their hope and their faith. 

Right now, Elder Sykes and I are really proud of our friends Agustin and Jenifer. Those two are so amazing. Just yesterday, they hit their third church attendance in a row, and since it was Fast and Testimony, Jenifer got up and bore a very powerful testimony about the Plan of Salvation and how she's seen His Hand in her life. Later, we also helped Agustin set up a Family Search account, which he was super excited for. Those two are incredible and progressing so well, definitely some of my favorite people, not just on the mission, but in general lol. 

We also had a very nice and frank conversation with our friend Javier about why he's taking the lessons so well, and he told us that he actually didn't understand it either, it's just that there's something 'different' about us and the message. He's still reading the LdM really well, which has been a relief. 

I did realize this week that being frank with people is honestly the way to go as a missionary. Like, asking people in our first contact with them if they're interested in the Church, telling people that we KNOW, not just believe, but know our message is true. I'm not too much of a confrontational person, so at first I was very...timid? I guess? Yeah, timid with my approaches and lessons, but now, I think I've fully realized that u need to be bold, because their salvation could depend on it. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it. 

Welp, nothing too wild this week either, so I'll start with TotS! 
This week's talk is Happy and Forever by Elder Gerrit W. Gong, Oct 2022. I love how he starts off the talk, saying that "happy and forever are not the imaginary stuff of fairy tales," especially when we trust in God and His Plan for us. He then goes on to explain how this plan gives us hope for ourselves and in particular for our families, even though we aren't perfect. He also says that participating in temple ordinances is one of the best ways to gather a family together, both in this life and the next. That struck me really hard after working with Agus in regards to his family history and looking at my own tree and seeing how much work there will always be to do. I honestly feel so connected to so much of my family, and I know it's through all the work that has been done for them, both to record their history and to help them across the veil. I wanted to encourage you guys to take a look at your family trees this week, even just to remember your ancestors and appreciate what they've done for you, I know it will draw you closer to them and your own living family, as is the Plan of God. 

Well, I'm getting this sent out pretty late! I hope you all have a great week, I personally have transfers this week, so we'll see whether or not I'll be mailing you all in Pico next week!
Much love, as always!
Elder Montgomery

Torre de los Estudios

The Imminent Storm

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