Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Branch Grows Stronger (Week 29)

Monday, February 19, 2024   4:23pm

Howdy partners, what a wonderful Pday it is! Always glad for the opportunity to talk to all my favorite people! Hope yalls week went well, mine went GREAT thank you for asking. 

For starters, our main man Marcelo is officially a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Yuhhh we're very proud of him. His conversion was a very quick one, but one of the strongest I've seen out here. His baptism was awesome, Elder Haddock was able to baptize him, which went perfectly, and then I was able to confirm him. Yeah, thats right, I literally made him a member of the church. Well, through the authority of the priesthood, but still. It was such an awesome experience for everyone, Marcelo in particular told me he felt calmer than he ever had before. I'm excited to see where he goes from here, I'm sure he's going to do a lot of good for the branch here.

Outside of the baptism, there isn't a lot that's gone on work-wise, I'll be honest. Pehuajó remains to be a town with not a lot of people and even less who are interested, but you know that's fine. We have had some pretty good lessons with a couple of amigos and some members, which has been great. It all really just feels like setup for next transfer, which happens this week, might I add. Welp, whoevers still a Pehuajomie by the end of this week will have some good work to do, we'll see what happens!

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to do divisions in the nearby city of Trenque Lauquen, where u was able to teach a lot about the Restoration, which then lead me to want to read Joseph Smith History and then that made me want to read the Saints again, sooo here we are. I loved reading it last time, but it is hitting a little different now. There was something that stuck out to me while I was reading about the Saints moving to Missouri, how he had mentioned that there wasn't a lot of God-fearing people who lived in the Independence area and that made him a bit discouraged at first, but regardless, he knew the work of God had to move forward. I think I've felt a lot of that in Pehuajó, maybe not that people don't fear God (literally everyone is catholic) but that they don't want to learn more about Him. It can feel a little saddening at times, but that doesn't mean I should stop all my efforts to further the work here. There is still someone who needs our message in Pehua, we just need to find them. 

Well, that's honestly about it from me! Hope yall have a great week, stay strong and go with God! Love yall! 

Elder Montgomery~

Minhas fotos, se voce ainda nao aderiu (Thats right, I'm learning Portuguese):

Happy Valentines or whatever lol

Argentine pizza moment


The finished font lol 

Los capos

Bautismo de Marcelo 

Celebratory baptism tacos

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