Monday, February 5, 2024

Commandments, Laws, Wisdoms (Week 27)

Monday, February 5, 2024    4:12pm

Holy Shenaiah it's already Pday again?! Sheesh yall, where does the time go? Lol I hope everyone's doing well! I personally am doing a lot better, it's started to cool down the last couple days after being consistently in the 100s the last couple weeks. Makes it a lot easier to do the work when you're not drowning in sweat! 

Anyways, the work goes on, whether it's hot or not, and the work this week was pretty awesome! First off, our amigo Marcelo, I think I've mentioned him a bit, was able to come to church yesterday, finally! We had been trying to get him to come for a while, but he hadn't been able to find the church building haha. He also told us that not only has he stopped drinking, he recently stopped smoking as well! He's making some awesome strides in his faith and preparing himself very well for his baptism, which he's super psyched for. He's such fun dude, it makes me so happy whenever we visit him. 

I was able to go on divisions with one of our Zone Leaders this week, and it was pretty awesome. They have a lot of progressing people in their area, which is more like the center of a bigger city, and it was interesting experience, just bouncing in between a lot of lessons while still contacting people outside and everything. He and I also talked a lot about what we could improve in at the moment, which lead to us talking a lot about optimism. I personally like to try my best to be optimistic in all moments, but it had become a little harder recently because of a culmination of a lot of things, mostly because of the heat lol. It did help me set my focus a lot better on how I can help my area and comp and everything, because I know I've been called here for a reason, I just have work hard and find it.

I was able to talk with an older lady a few days ago about literature and how we can find a lot of types and symbols of Christ throughout a lot of literature. And if any of you know me, you know I led that into a discussion of Shakespeare lol. She brought up an awesome point of how in MacBeth, after he does a lot of bad things, mentions that water can wash away his misdeeds, but it can never clear his soul, like how we can do our best to cover and hide our own sins but we can never fully clean ourselves without the Atonement. Very cool stuff, I was mostly glad I could figure out certain phrases and lines in Spanish without too much effort jaja. 

'Spose I should go over a talk now! One I read this week that I enjoyed a lot was 'Apostacy and Restoration' by President Dallin H. Oaks, April 1995. What I lived about this talk is how well President Oaks addresses some the differences between our church and other Christian denomination. He mainly focuses on the Trinity and our knowledge that they are three separate beings, each with a different role in the Plan of Salvation. We know this through many accounts, foremost among them being the Fist Vision. President Oaks does mention that God, even though we cannot mortally comprehend the full extent of His spirituality and presence, is not a God of confusion, He will not let us flail about in this life. At any time, anyone with a broken heart and a contrite spirit can ask Him and receive a response that applies to their needs. He loves us and will always help us when we turn our hearts, minds, and souls to Him. 

Alrighty, I suppose that's it from me for now! Love you all, have a great week!! 

Elder Montgomery

'I like turtles' -Pehuajó

Very blurry photo with Marcelo

Pineapple pizza to fight the Big Sad

Returning from intercambios on the chetto bus

Pday facturas babyyyy

~Cold enough to wear long-sleeves today~

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