Monday, May 27, 2024

Si, Hablo Ingles...Creo (Week 43)

Monday, May 27, 2024   5:43pm

Sup yall, that's right, another week already, how wild. Hope all my people up north are enjoying some warm weather, cuz I'm freezing down here and it's not even winter. Yeyyy. 

Anyways, this week was pretty cool. First off, we had a pretty cool experience with a friend we have named Willy a few nights ago. For a bit of context, Willy has been taking the lessons from the missionaries for a while now, almost two years now if I recall correctly. He takes all the lessons really well, has been to church a good amount of times, and asks some good questions about the gospel. When Elder Bardales got here, he had invited Willy to be baptized, but he said that it wasn't something he wanted to do. So, of course, it was exactly what I felt like I should do when we had a lesson with him. So yeah, we taught about baptism and the church's authority, and then I invited him to be baptized, the first time that have done that, might I add. I couldn't get a specific date set with him, but he did say that he wanted to pray about it and work towards it as well. We're just really impressed at the progress he's made in like four months, from not caring about baptism to know being willing to work towards it. I'm excited to see what work I can do with him in the future. 

I was also able to teach my first English class this last week, and that was quite the experience. The only people that showed up were a 7 year old named Albertina and her mom, so we went ahead and learned about something easy; animal names. Well, not so easy when all she wants to learn are marine animals, a topic which you have no vocabulary for. Fun fact, a whale in Spanish is un ballena, who new?! It still turned out well, and we were somehow able to keep a 7 year old entertained with English for an hour, a feat I didn't know was possible. 

So a little thing about Monte, there are a lot of incomplete families here, so a lot of work we're doing at the moment is visiting them and helping them all progress together. We also should be able to get a lot of references pretty soon, there's a lot of members that have promised to introduce us to their friends and such, so the work should take off here soon. Remember yall, work with the members, they lead to the best success. 

Welp, outside of that, this week was pretty chill! I hope you all were able to enjoy yours as well. Make sure you're looking for miracles every day, really helps you keep a good perspective and attitude in every situation.
Love you all, hasta luego! 
Elder Montgomery

☆Consejo de Grupo☆

The tide was a bit high this afternoon 

Hace un poquito de frío che 



Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Cya Pampa; Hola Monte! (Week 42)

Monday, May 20, 2024   2:14pm 

Wassup yall, me again, your favorite missionary from Wake Forest, North Carolina, back at it again here in the land of mate and empanadas. 

Sooooo we did have some transfers, and I finally left the Zone of Santa Rosa! I'll miss it, yes, but I am very glad to be seeing something other than just farmland all the time haha. So now, I'm in the Villa Mitre Zone, which has basically the northern half of Bahía Blanca and some of the smaller cities near there. My area is called Monte Hermoso, and let me tell you, it lives uo to the name. Monte is a coastal city, and I mean really costal. We literally live five blocks away from the Atlantic Ocean, yall, it's nuts. It also has a lot of hills and beautiful forests, so you never really get bored of the scenery here. 

The last couple days have been pretty interesting as well, as I haven't spoken a word of English the whole time. Why, you ask? My awesome comp, Elder Bardales, is from Rosario, here in Argentina! He's an absolute stud, he's also great at getting out in the streets and talking with everyone, which is super helpful lol. He goes home at the end of this transfer, so he's got a lot of great experience and I've already learned a lot from him. 

I haven't been able to meet a lot of people here yet, but the members and friends I have met are really nice and super fun. A friend we passed by last night also let me know that I sound very close to having an Argentine accent, which I think is the biggest compliment I've received language wise right now lol. I'm really excited to get to know everyone here though, I'm gonna have to take over one Elder Bardales leaves here in a month, which means I've gotta get accustomed pretty fast, but no problem, I've done this twice already, I'm basically a pro, right? 

Well, other than that, not a lot this week! Traveling here was fun, although it took almost 24 hours to get here, haha. I got to see quite a few missionaries that I hadn't seen in a while, which was nice, always good to connect with the other Elders. 
Never know what a transfer has in store, but I'm excited to find out! Wish me luck yall, thanks so much for all you thoughts, words, and prayers! You help me more than you know! 

Much love!
Elder Monte

Zone Conference goes crazy

La cena final de Pehua

Colectivo rides take a while 

Thanks Elder Norton

This place is awesome 

Monte Hermoso, Zona de Villa Mitre


Bro amo la playa

Con Elder Bardales!!

Guau el mar

Dinner with Hna Ester (She 'made green beans to welcome the American Elder' lol)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Old (Week 41)

Monday, May 13, 2024    5:13pm


Hello my party people, how're we hanging? 

Alright, first off, don't freak out yall, but yes, I had a birthday. I am now 20 years old, and good gravy it feels strange. My adorable family was able to send me a package, and while I'm very grateful for the various snacks received, the best thing was the extra socks. Yeah, ours is a walking mission, so socks are very appreciated. Anyways, very thankful for all the well wishes from yall! 

This week was pretty awesome, as we were able to discuss baptism with a lot of our friends! 
Firstly, we talked with Juan and Daniela about getting their kids baptized, and they were very down for it! We still need to get a date set to do it, but they're well on their way to getting all of the family baptized! Hopefully with the kid's baptisms, they'll be more open to get married so they can be baptized as well, but we'll keep working on it. 

We also were able to set a date with another friend of ours named Oscar. He's a really nice older guy who's super open to learn and come to church as well. He also told us that he talked with his wife about getting baptized with him, which is pretty legit. She said that she'd be happy to go to church with him, but that she would get baptized, so we'll have to work with that one. They also have a couple of daughters that could get baptized, so if we push hard enough, I'm sure we could get all of them in the water here soon. 

Aside from all that though, this week was pretty normal! It's gotten a lot colder and windier, so luckily the mosquitoes have been slowly going away, and it means that I can wear boots and sweaters all the time, which I always enjoy. We also have transfers coming up this week, so we'll see if I'm still in Pehuajó when I send an email next week! 

Anyways, always glad to be able to write to yall, even if I don't do too much during the week. I hope you all know that I'm praying for you always! Much love!
Elder Montgomery 

Bedtime fit (Autumn Edition)

Stay warm, chicos ♡

Conferencia de Zona, Santa Rosa 3/05

Onward, Christian Soldiers 

Con presidente también

El distrito


♡Gracias a mi querida familia♡

Absolutely dripping out at age 20 (there were no snakes in the starmix, I'm so furious) 

The joy of creation

The pisces is soaking in that good liquid knowledge (so fun and educational!)

The pisces before soaking in the liquid knowledge (garlic salt for scale)

Oh? Que es esto?

Un asadito con los pibes

Monday, May 6, 2024

They've returned.....(Week 40)

Monday, May 6, 2024   5:50pm 

Hello everyone, fair Pday unto thee. 

So, another week gone by, and uts started to get a lot colder. I love autumn, the trees are changing color, I can wear sweaters, and it seemed like all the bugs were going away too.
Until this week. 
This week, the mosquitoes have come back with a vengeance, and I have no idea how. Literally every surface outside is nearly coated with the darn things, it's terrifying. Luckily for me, they seem to be more attracted to Elder Norton, but the poor guy has so many bites now. 

Outside of the mosquitoes though, it's been a pretty good week! We had Zone Conference on Friday, which is always great. There was a lot of things we ended up talking about, but the overall message to me was about helping our friends plan with the end in mind. We do that by proposing real dates for them to be baptized, teach them about family history work that they can do inside temples, and especially about eternal families. It's exactly what President Nelson asked us to do, to Think Celestial. Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

We've been seeing some pretty good progress working with our members lately! We've finally got some references from them, and they seem to be doing pretty well thus far! It's been pretty hard for a long time to get lessons with members, but we're finally doing a bit better with it, which is nice to see. We were also able to find a few promising news last week, so this one should be a good one! 

Umm honestly not too much more happened last week, so I'll go ahead and leave it here for now. Love yall though, and I'll talk to yall again next week!

Also, D&C 68:6. Very good verse.
Elder Montgomery