Monday, May 6, 2024

They've returned.....(Week 40)

Monday, May 6, 2024   5:50pm 

Hello everyone, fair Pday unto thee. 

So, another week gone by, and uts started to get a lot colder. I love autumn, the trees are changing color, I can wear sweaters, and it seemed like all the bugs were going away too.
Until this week. 
This week, the mosquitoes have come back with a vengeance, and I have no idea how. Literally every surface outside is nearly coated with the darn things, it's terrifying. Luckily for me, they seem to be more attracted to Elder Norton, but the poor guy has so many bites now. 

Outside of the mosquitoes though, it's been a pretty good week! We had Zone Conference on Friday, which is always great. There was a lot of things we ended up talking about, but the overall message to me was about helping our friends plan with the end in mind. We do that by proposing real dates for them to be baptized, teach them about family history work that they can do inside temples, and especially about eternal families. It's exactly what President Nelson asked us to do, to Think Celestial. Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

We've been seeing some pretty good progress working with our members lately! We've finally got some references from them, and they seem to be doing pretty well thus far! It's been pretty hard for a long time to get lessons with members, but we're finally doing a bit better with it, which is nice to see. We were also able to find a few promising news last week, so this one should be a good one! 

Umm honestly not too much more happened last week, so I'll go ahead and leave it here for now. Love yall though, and I'll talk to yall again next week!

Also, D&C 68:6. Very good verse.
Elder Montgomery

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