Monday, July 1, 2024

Congelados (Week 48)

Monday, July 1, 2024   6:21pm 

Que tal mis cracks, como están? Hope yall had a great week filled with fun, miracles, and especially warmth. Us? We had fun and saw miracles, for sure, but warmth? Good gravy it has been cold here, and with the wind chill from the beach and everything we've been almost below freezing every day. Makes it difficult to want to get out of bed in the morning! But alas, we must work, so out of bed we got. 

A lot of this week has been really interesting with our efforts to find people. We've been able to make a lot of basic contacts and set up lessons with people, but the majority of the lessons we planned fell through, either the people weren't there, they just were all of a sudden busy, or my personal favorite, said it was too cold to let us in. So yeah, a lot of effort but not a lot of fruits, which happens, important thing is that we keep working. 

We've been making some great progress with our friend Willy, as always. Since he's coming to church every week but isn't quite ready to be baptized, we've been focusing on him inviting his friends to come to church and have lessons with us as well. He had already brought a friend of his a few weeks ago, so hopefully we can start having some good 'almost member lessons' with Willy and his friends.

I was also really happy with the group this week, we had been trying to push them to start ministering a bit more to the other less active members, and this last Tuesday, they all met together to put together ministering assignments for the ward. It apparently been working well, because an hermano that hadn't been to church in a few months showed up and told us that he was really glad that some members passed by him that week. Ministering really works, yall! 

Elder Canizales has been wanting to learn English, which is always fun, I love teaching anything, but this last week, he asked me to help him practice praying in English, and I actually struggled so much saying the prayer! I realized that it has literally almost been a year since I said a prayer in English out loud, which just surprised me how used to Spanish I've been! It's so fun talking in Spanish now though, it's also such a blessing to be able to do so, and it's honestly given me a lot of confidence knowing that if I just apply myself to something, I will be able to do it, eventually. 

So a lot of you probably already know that a lot of missionaries left a few weeks ago, but this last week, our Mission President reached his point and left as well! Bye President Marsden, you will be missed! So last Friday, our new president, President Atuña, got here, and I'm super excited to be able to work with him. We had a missionwide call with him and his wife last night, and they seem so nice, definitely presidency material. We actually have Zome Conference tomorrow, so I'll be able to meet him them! Gonna be a blast! 

Well, not too much else going on here, I do have some good expectations for this week, we have some good lessons planned and we'll be going to a few towns outside of Monte to see who we can find. Hopefully we can also make it to Dorrego, the other larger city we're in charge of, but we'll see. 

But yeah, that's been my week, pretty wild, no? Well anyways, I hope this week goes well for yall, remember to stop and pray whenever you may need it! 

Much love!
Elder Montgomery 

We call this...

THE Monte Hermoso

11 months now...who's counting tho

Made some hamburgers, gosh were they good

Gotta get that fresh cut before Zone Conference 

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