Monday, July 22, 2024

Eating the Elephant (Week 51)

Monday, July 22, 2024    8:52pm

Heyyy, what's up everyone, it's ya boi, Elder Montgomery, back again with incredible tales from the great Bahía Blanca Mission. 

Welp, this week, sadly enough, my companion once again fell ill. Nothing too serious, just a bit of a cold, but it still stopped us from working for the day. A bit annoying, but what you gonna do, it's better to rest and be at 100% the next day in my humble opinion. 

So yeah, that means our week wasn't too eventful, we had a couple of good lessons and contacts, but nothing too mind blowing. Comp being sick again also gave me some good study time again, and I used a good bit of it learning some French from Spanish and it's actually been helping a lot in both languages, which is pretty cool. Also did some good studying on the Come Follow Me this week about the antichrist Korihor, which is always a fun one. Mostly focused on how I would try to answer the questions he asked Alma, cuz ya never know what they might ask you out here lol. 

Luckily, we did have some awesome experiences this week in our other area, Dorrego! We were able to go Saturday and Sunday last week, and I finally got to meet the majority of the members there and a lot of the progressing friends we have. One of them, name Hugo, has a great testimony and is super ready to be baptized, but didn't think he was ready to accept the date when we offered it, so we're letting him stew and pray about it, and hopefully soon we can get him set on the path. But yeah, I really love th area of Dorrego, and I'm super excited to see how it progresses from here! 

Anyways, I'm grateful for the week I had, and it's wild because it went by so fast! It's been so interesting to see how quickly the mission has picked up speed. It's been a lot like eating an elephant (not that I've done that or anything), where it looks like a large or impossible tast at first, but bite by bite, it gradually gets smaller and seems more doable. I'm very glad to finally be able to see the mission that way, as something hard that I'm able to do and truly enjoy at the same time. 

Welp, that's all from me tonight, yall! I love you all very much, always very grateful for all your love, prayers, and support!! 

Ciao for now!
Elder Montgomery

(He was walking around Bahia Blanca while we talked to him today. They’re there for a couple of days while Elder Canizales gets his Visa stuff done)

Chango' technically means monkey, but it's more like 'dude' down here. I say chango a lot

Nuestra amiga Nancy de Dorrego

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