Monday, July 15, 2024

Shoulder to the Wheel (Week 50)

Monday, July 15, 2024   9:13pm

Holis pepos, wussgood with yall, happy Monday. Welp, it's late and I had a pretty interesting semana, so let me go ahead and launch into it. 

First off, Elder Canizales and I got back from our fiasco in Bahía Tuesday evening, so we basically missed a day of work there, and then he also had to rest all of Wednesday and the majority of Thursday, so if you're keeping track with me, that's three out of six days this week that we couldn't work, which had me feeling pretty blue because I thought we wouldn't be able to meet any of the goals we had put for the week, but I woke up on Friday and decided to not let that get me down and to, well, put my shoulder to the wheel and push along, because with Christ, all things are possible, right? (Philippians 4:13. I quote that a lot). 

And yall. We found so many people and had some great member lessons in just three days. A lot of the people we found actually seem like they're going to progress, especially this dude named Julio Cesar, who is absolutely loving the pamphlet we gave him. We also just gave him a LdM, so I'm excited for our next lesson, it should be a really good one. Also finally got to meet a progressing friend in Dorrego named Nancy, we had a great video call with her and an hermana where I just got to meet them and know where they may need help. Nancy's honestly already a member basically, she just needs to get married and she's all good to be baptized. So we'll see what we can do.

So, with all the time I had stuck inside, I started to clean a lot of the pension, because I honestly didn't realize at first how dirty it was, but it makes sense after so many different guys have lived here for so long. Kinda sad but whatever. I was listening to a lot of older conference talks while I was cleaning though, and I just gotta say that I love President Hinkley, even from just a voice recording of him you can hear the authority, truth, and love in the words he speaks.

I also was able to do a fair amount of studying, and with the last few weeks being about Ammon and his brethren serving missions, I did a lot of self reflection of my own. I was really thinking about Ammon in particular and his example of always seeing some kind of challenge or difficulty with an optimistic view. Like when the group of Lamanites scattered the sheep Ammon and his fellow servants were keeping, he didn't think, 'Aw freak, now I gotta round up allll these dang sheep and keep the king from freaking out,' but saw it as an opportunity to show the power of God to the people he was teaching, which I absolutely loved. Kind of exactly what I needed when I was in a difficult situation where I couldn't leave the house and needed to change my attitude about it. Cool how God works like that. 

Anyways, it's getting late, so I'll leave it off here. Hope yalls weeks are filled with milagros and bendiciones! Les amo un montonasso!!

Elder Montgomery 

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