Monday, July 8, 2024

Hop, Skip, and a Bus Away (Week 49)

Monday, July 8, 2024    5:43pm 

Heyyyy, how's it hanging, peoples? Once again, it is a fabulous Monday here in the Bahía Blanca mission, what a blessing it is to be able to send out an email to my favorite people! 

Well, this has been a very interesting week! First off, Happy Fourth of July! Absolutely love and miss my home country, every day out here I become more and more grateful for it. Very blessed to have lived in a country where I'm free to worship my God in the way I choose. 

We went to a neighborhood outside of Monte where a few members live, and while it was quite the walk to get there, we actually ended up finding a few people, so we'll probably end up there again here soon

Also went to Dorrego, the other larger town that we have under our jurisdiction. It's honestly pretty nice, reminds me a bit of Pehuajo, but quite a bit smaller. The members there are really awesome, so hopefully we can get some good work done there soon too. It'll actually be similar to Pehuajó over there, there's not a lot of active members and a lot of the inactive ones don't really know anything about the church and don't care to go. It's another sad situation, but as is the life of a missionary. 

We ALSO also had divisions this week, but we did those in Monte. It was a lot of fun, and the Elder I got to do them with, Elder Paredes, is from Iquitos, Peru, where one of my aunts served her mission! He's still in training as a missionary, so it was fun to show him around a different area and present different styles of working; gosh, I love teaching stuff, yall. 

Right now, I'm actually in Bahía Blanca because Elder Canizales is feeling pretty under the weather. Everything's fine, he has just had a bit of a temperature, headaches and nausea for the last few days, so we figured we'd swing by a hospital to see what's up. Basically, we ended up waiting three hours there just for them to say, 'rest for two days, eat good and drink water, take ibuprofen if it hurts.' I'm so glad we went. So yeah, we're just chilling, waiting to get home so my comp can sleep and have an excuse not to work lol. But yeah, I'm all good, he's all good, everyone's just fine. We'll, aside from the fact I had to wake up at six to get ready to leave. Cmon, it's pday, I'm supposed to be able to sleep in a bit! 

Welp, that's all from me this week, everything still feels pretty slow work-wise, but it should pick up soon. Just gotta have faith! 

Aight, love yall, hope this week's a good one for you, enjoy summer break all you Americans out there!

Peace out, 
Elder Montgomery 

Zone Conference moment

Divisiones con Elder Paredes, de Iquitos! 

dw, it's just the backing for a plaque tag (I look good tho right lol)

Wow, mucho campo

Not too large, this Dorrego

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