Monday, July 29, 2024

*insert BonJovi lyrics here* (Week 52)

 Monday, July 29, 2024   7:21pm

Yuhyuhyuh what's up folks, you'll never guess what's going down this week. THATS FREAKIN RIGHT, WE HIT A YEAR TOMORROW BAYBEE!! It's wild, already half the mission done! I've honestly been loving every second of it and it's kind of sad to see it slipping away so quickly! But anyways, I'm very appreciative of everything I've learned in this time and I'm excited to see what this next year has in store! 

buT yeah, this week was aight, we had to go to Bahía Blanca Monday through Wednesdayto do some paperwork for Elder Canizales so he could be legal here, which he luckily now is, it also meant I got to spend a lot of time in a different area in Bahía called Maldonado, which is where one of the elders from my MTC district is stationed right now (sup Elder Malone)! It was a lot of fun to work with him, as well as a great growing experience, he helped me a lot to make my contacting better and begin to think a lot differently about what it means to be a successful and effective missionary. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly being successful/effective means to me, but it is helping me stay a lot better focused on the work in general. Overall, great experience, even though I was outside of the area for so long! 

While we were in Bahía, we also were able to grab a LDS edition of the Bible, one with all the Book of Mormon footnotes and whatnot, for our friend Willy. We had a great lesson with him about some of the themes in the Bible, i.e. the Lord's Prayer, the story of Esther, and he was really excited to be able to have it. We also just randomly started talking about baptism with him and he told us that he was sure he was going to get baptized someday, which is AWESOME, because when I got here he was a lot more iffy about anything with the church. Progress, baby, progress! 

Other than all that, it's honestly been a really chill week. Just been knocking a lot of doors hoping that people open up and talk to us, which they have been, and hopefully that leads to some good lessons soon. We also had our district Pday today, just went to Bahía, ate some good food, taught everyone how to play Truco, an Argentine card game, and chilled out! 

So yeah, pretty sure that's all from me this week, make sure yall are reading your scriptures, whatever they may be, I'm reading in the Bible right now and Acts is pretty cool. Pray always and trust in the Lord!

Goodnight everyone, have a great week!

Elder Matt Montgomery  

(Andrew got to color in the week 52 half-way square tonight!)

Average eight in the morning moon activity


Pday de Distrito!!

Elder Arias

Elder Canizales

Elder Paredes

Hermana Bandley

Hermana Mijangos

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