Monday, September 9, 2024

99+1 (Week 58)

Monday, September 9, 2024   8:33pm

Hey hey hey, good evening mein friends!! Welp, we're a week into September and stuff has been going down, so let me get right into it. 

First off, we got one of the best references I have had the pleasure of receiving. It's this lady named Mariela who's has a ton of faith in Christ and wants to start learning more, and she is incredible. The lesson we had with her was awesome, we didn't have to bring up a single topic with her, she just had a lot of great questions. We were able to give her a Book of Mormon, which she was really excited about, and she was able to make it to church yesterday and loved the sacrament meeting. We've got a lesson with her this Wednesday, and apparently her husband wants to learn more about the church as well, so we should be having some great lessons and maybe baptismal dates here in the near future! 

We also had a really good lesson about the Book of Mormon and home study with friend named Josefina. She's a kind of special case, she's under house arrest for reasons, so she can't usually make it to church, but she loves having lessons with us, as do her two kids. I'm not sure when her arrest ends, but we just have to nurture her seed of faith until she can finally freely go to church and get baptized, but when that happens I'm sure she'll be in the water that same week. 

We had a lot of fun at an activity on Friday where we watched Coco and shared a little message about family history. It was honestly really heartfelt, I had forgotten how tender the movie is! I had also been studying a bit of my family tree, so I felt very connected to my ancestors in that moment. Do family history work yall, it's so vital and so rewarding, and maybe this is just the history nerd in me talking, but getting to know the lives and storiesof your relatives is such a great time. 

Today happens to be the 100th birthday of our dear prophet Russell M. Nelson! Happy Birthday President! I really love how the Church's socials have been talking about it, relating it to the parable of the shepherd who leaves the ninety and nine in search of the one, it's such an important principle to remember as a missionary and really helps us focus on our stated purpose. I'm really excited to hear from President Nelson next month, and I hope you are too! I'm going to be trying to read through his General Conference talks this month, and I'd like to invite you all to do the same! There's a lot of wisdom to be had in those hundred years!

Well aaaaanyways, it's getting kinda late and my life isn't that crazy at the moment, so I'll go ahead and leave it here! I'm always grateful for this opportunity I have to reflect on the week and talk with yall though, and thank you all very much for being here to support me during this amazing experience I've had! I'll talk to yall next week!!
Nos vemos gente!!
Elder Montgomery 

I think spring is upon us

This church has an awesome outside pulpit area

Tal como Cristo

Watchin Coco with the branch

Barbecue chicken Macncheese for Sunday lunch

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