Saturday, September 28, 2024

Influx (Week 60)

Monday, September 23, 2024   8:56pm

Hey all, buenas noches!! It's super late, so I'm gonna make this a quick one!

Alright, so we talked to Cristian, Mariela's husband, this week all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That lesson focuses a lot on baptism, and he was really ready to pray and read and search for an answer. Hopefully that means we set a baptismal date with him and Mariela this week. He also paid tithing in the church yesterday without us having to teach a lesson about it, so that's a really difficult discussion out of the way haha. I'm excited though, they're a great family and will do well in the church!!

The new missionaries arrived, about 22 of them in comparison to the 6 that left, so you know what that means. That's right, Azul has two companionships again. The new companionship here are the Elders Castillo and Blalock, and these dudes are awesome. Elder Castillo is from Chile and has a little less time than I do in the mission, and Elder Blalock is from Florida, but he's fresh out of the CCM. They both have a great desire and drive to get out and do the work, so I'm sure Azul 2 is in great hands. 

Before they got there though, we cleaned out the pension they were going to be living in because it hadn't been cleaned in weeks. We ended up focusing mostly on the kitchen, especially the fridge, and holy moly, it was very rank, but we got it spotless by the end of the day and they're chilling now. 

I've been listening to quite a few President Nelson talks, and wow, that man has spoken a lot in the women's sessions that we used to have! Now, I'm not a sister in the church, but I still feel so inspired to get out and work and invite everyone to feel the love and compassion there is in the church, especially through the Sisters. Yall are awesome, ladies, keep up the great work!

Anyways yeah, I've gotta be in bed soon, so I'll leave it here! I'm looking forward to this week, it's the beginning of a new transfer and we have a lot of work to do to help Azul become a ward, but I know that with the Lord's help, we'll get it done!!

Good night unto all and to all a good night, until the next pday mien friends!!
Elder Montgomery 

The cherries were weird, but a pretty great pizza overall (finally)

Reality is an illusion

Almuerzo con los nuevos Elderesss


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