Monday, September 30, 2024

Ready? Or Not? (Week 61)

Monday, September 30, 2024 7:50pm

Buenas tardes familia, como andan todos? 

Alrighty, this week we got some pretty good stuff done, not a high quantity of stuff, but a high quality of stuff, if you catch my drift. 

First off, we were able to get a date set with our friends Mariela and Cristian, and they were absolutely ready to pay tithing and follow the Word of Wisdom, so we said that the 19th of October, they'd get baptized. But they day after, Mariela sent us a message saying that she had some doubts about certain things and especially about callings in the church. We've gotta get a lesson set with them this week to clarify everything, but more than anything else, they probably need some prayers and member help for this one.

We talked to our main man Raul and his girly friend Marisa about his baptism, and the future is looking good. Marisa's lawyer is going to get everything figured out about her divorce this week, which means that they should be able to get married and everything soon and then BOOM, Raul's in the water, after almost three years of waiting lol. 

We've been in that process of finding still, I've realized that Azul is pretty religious and on average people actually go to church and read the Bible, so I've been trying to ask questions to people that require a bit of deeper gospel knowledge right off rip on a contact. It works sometimes, but a lot of others they just get kind of annoyed and slam the door. It's fine though, how else are we supposed to filter the wheat from the chaff? 

We had a pretty eventful Pday today, a big asado with all the elders in the district. It turned out really great (thanks Elder Malone) and I'm excited for divisions tomorrow, hope it turns out great as well! 

Welp, kinda late again, I'm really good at getting these out at a terrible time, aren't I haha? Anyways, hope yall have a great week, make sure you watch General Conference this weekend! It's gonna be lit!
Love yall! 
Elder Monty

Correlación misional

Wow iss pretty

Hay que robar los lentes a veces

Asado 🤑

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