Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Blessings For Faith (Week 59)

Monday, September 16, 2024   7:29pm

Buenas noches, hermanos y hermanas,  how we doing? Pretty great, I'd assume, because you're reading an email from Elder Montgomery. Kidding, kidding

So this week we were able to have a lesson with Mariela and her husband named Cristian, and he is just as awesome as she is. He asked us the age old question about someone evil in life repenting before they die and going to heaven, so we had a great conversation about the Spirit World and our lives after death. We were also able to lead it into the topic of Joseph Smith and the Restoration, which also means we gave him a BoM, so hopefully they'll get some studying done together. Both Cristian and Mariela made it to church yesterday, which of course they loved, and now we're looking to have a family home evening with them and our ward mission leader. It's looking to me like a baptismal date is on the horizon~~
Mariela also told us that since they've started talking with us, they've seen a lot of blessings. Cristian at the moment is without work, so he sells a lot of baked treats around the city, and since they started talking to us, he's sold out every day he's sold things. They also live in the house of Cristian's mother, who isn't the most pleasant person from what I hear, but the house has had a lot less contention as of late. I was just really appreciative that she could see that they were blessings and not just random happenstance, I think we all could learn a lot from her example. 

We talked with Raul, our long time friend (who's also blind), and his girlfriend/caretaker named Marisa, who's a member, about Raul's baptism, and we're finally getting close to it. The only reason he can get baptized right now is because they aren't married (they follow the law of chastity though) and Marisa needs to figure some divorce stuff out with a lawyer before she can do that. We at least know now that everything will be taken care of before October 19th, so that's when we're aiming for now. So we'll be praying and crossing our fingers that everything goes well with them, it's kind of all out of our hands, but I trust they'll get it done. 

Had a few bashy experiences this week, which is kinda fun because I always walk away with my testimony strengthened afterwards. One of them in particular was with a guy that said at first that he believed in God, until he kept contradicting himself so much that he said he believed more in nature and that God didn't exist, which made it even funnier when he said that people only do well in the church because it makes them happy and want to work, which I mean, sounds like blessings from God to me, but whatever, can't make him believe it if he doesn't want it. 

Transfers also happened this week, and Azul is going to be getting it's missionaries back! An Elder Castillo from Chile as well as a new trainee will be coming in to take the other half of the city, which will give us a lot more time to focus on our own area and actually get stuff done haha. I'm excited though, the district is growing as is the branch, there's a lot of blessings to be had in the future!!

Anyways, nothing else too crazy happened, and as always, it is kinda late, so I'll go ahead and end here. Hope you all have a great week and receive a lot of blessings!! Remember to look for God in your lives, He's everywhere and He loves you! 
Hasta pronto!!
Elder Montgomery

Quite possibly the best alfajor I have ever eaten

Giving me PTSD from playing chess with Eric

Oh yeah and there's a cannon too

Azul is literally the prettiest area

Con nuestros amigos Mariela y Cristian!!

Why's it called Azul when there's so many orange trees?

Helado para celebrar un año en Argentina!!


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