Monday, April 8, 2024

Another Great Baptism!! ft. General Conference (Week 36)

Monday, April 7, 2024    6:04pm

Well hello once again everyone, happy Monday! Hope yalls weeks have gone well.

Alright, first off, transfers happened last week and, surprise surprise, I've stayed in Pehuajó with Elder Norton! It's quite a bit of time that I have in this zone now, but I don't mind at all, especially because it meant I got to be here for Lucia's baptism! 

And on that note, Lucia's baptism!! It was so awesome, we were able to have it yesterday in-between General Conference sessions, and goodness, the Spirit everyone was feeling that day was incredible! I was also able to give a message about the Gift of the Holy Ghost before her confirmation, and Elder Norton confirmed her as well. Lucia's going to be an awesome member, she already understands so much about the gospel and is so psyched to be able to someday do work for her family in the temple, I'm so happy and impressed with her progress. 

General Conference happened as well! It's interesting going back to back from Easter to Conference, basically going from talking all about Jesus to talking all about our prophets, it's a big testimony builder being able to focus on one thing the whole week. Conference was also super awesome, and I particularly liked the Saturday eveningsession. I'm gonna need the talks to come out on Gospel Library so I can go over them all again though, I can hardly remember the names of anyone who spoke haha. 

Well, other than that, the week wasn't too crazy. We've been working a lot with inactive members and incomplete families, and we're honestly starting to see a lot of progress, which is nice. It does make me a little sad sometimes to see people who honestly have a great testimony of parts of the church have a block from returning because of something small they can't let go of. Or they're just lazy, that also makes me sad to see. Just reminds me though, can't ever stop doing the simple, primary stuff, i.e. pray, read scriptures, go to church. If we're not moving forward, we're going backwards, I think someone cool said that I just don't know who. 

Anyways, love you all, I'm glad every day to be out here serving the Lord. I hope you all can look for your own ways to serve Him throughout your week as well! 

Go forth with faith!
Elder Montgomery 

(We actually didn’t get to talk to him today because we were at the zoo all day. But Eric held up a picture of Matt on our phone when we took our traditional zoo pic with all of the kids sitting on a stone hippo, so he was with us in heart ❤️)

And just a couple pics added to his google account this week…

Gnocchis, gnocchis everywhere

We made a freakton of gnocchis

Definitely one of the companionships of all time

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