Monday, April 15, 2024

April Showers...(Week 37)

Monday, April 15, 2024  5:31pm

...bring May ice storms down here on the other side of the Earth. Wild, how the Earth really do be round like that. 

Hello everyone, yeah, it's me again, lucky you. If yall couldn't tell, it has been raining something awful for the last three days, and if yall know me, you know I hate being wet, but still went out and worked this week, so there's my testimony about the work right there. Haha, I'm mostly kidding, and this week was pretty cool igual. 

So, this last week we've started to fill the primary. We recently have been finding a lot of families with younger kids, usually over the age of eight as well, and the families are super into it. 

One family we found was a guy named Luis, his pareja, Lucrecia, and their daughter, Luisilla. Luis is so awesome, the first time we ran into him, we actually didn't know he existed and we were looking for Lucrecia (who we still havent met tbh). He lives in like the backyard of another house, so normally we wouldn't have looked back there for someone, but luckily he was out front talking with a friend. We were able to ask if Lucrecia was there, and he was like, 'no, but if you guys want to talk with me, I'd be happy to get to know you!' So we go in, have a great lesson about basically everything, give him a Book of Mormon, we come back a couple day later, and he tells us that the first time we talked, he felt a peace like he'd never felt before, so we were totally like 'Heck yeah, that's the Holy Ghost!' He's doing really well, we also got to talk to Luisilla about Jesus for a little bit, which was fun. He's got a busy schedule, so hopefully we can find some way to get them into church. 

Another family we've been working with, the parents are named Juan and Daniela, were able to make it to church a couple weeks ago, and they loved it, they told us they'd want to go every Sunday, it's just difficult to remember to because it's not routine yet, which is very fair. They're doing really well though, all their kids actually sit and participate in the lessons, so kudos to them. 

Unfortunately this last Sunday, it was raining pretty hard, and when the majority of people get to church on motorcycle.....needless to say it was not a great week for asistencias. But the grind goes on lol. 

There wasn't too much else this week, so I'll go ahead and leave it here, but before I do, just wanted to shout out one of my favorite talks from Conference, which is Pillars and Rays, by Alexander Dushkhu. Great talk, absolutely loved it. Also, the new temple announced for Argentina is not in my mission, but it isn't too far away from Pehuajó, so that's pretty legit. 

Anyways, love you all, hope yall have a great, non rainy week!

Elder Montgomery

Another one' -DJ Khaled

It's fall, but some plants haven't lost their flowers

Mmmm empanadas


A lovely gnocchi with a 'biscuits and gravy' type sauce 


We finally passed by the lake in Pehua

It's very pretty 

Mmm homemade pizza, just like mama used to make 

Roast beef tacos, que rico che

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