Monday, April 1, 2024

Spread the Good Word (Week 35)

Monday, April 1, 2024   5:40pm 

Hello everyone, me again, back with another week of mission work under my belt. 

Welp, happy Easter, Pascua, or whatever you may call it! Here in Pehuajó, we had a great Semana Santa full of miracles, the first of which being a nearly record breaking overall attendance for sacrament meeting, and secondly, an actually record breaking attendance of amigos for me! So it turns out hard work does pay off sometimes! 

Our week was also really cool, we were able to have a lot of lessons with quite a few of the families we've been teaching, all of them very focused of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice and love for us. I'll tell you, the Spirit really gets to you after bearing your testimony so much during the week! I really do love having our lessons though, teaching is easily my favorite part of the mission thus far, and my comp, Elder Norton, has taught me a lot about how I can teach better. Very honored to be his companion in these last few months he has left. 

One lesson we had stood out in particular to me, one with a mom named Vanesa and her daughter Milagros. Vanesa really loves God and has a lot of faith, but she hasn't found a church she likes. Vanesa herself has been baptized in some other church that I can't remember, but she didn't have her daughter baptized because she wanted it to be her choice, which is pretty dope in my opinion. We had a really good lesson about baptism with them and it left me thinking about how blessed we are to have the actual authority to not only baptize, but perform all works of God here on the Earth. The amount of stability and hope that the church and it's authority brings to our lives is incredible, and it's such a cool experience to help people find that out for themselves. 

I'm honestly a little short on time, so I'll end with this: I know Jesus Christ lives. I've reflected and read a ton about the life, death, and resurrection of Christ this week, and I know, with a surety and as a representative of Him, that He has suffered for our sins and overcome death, all so that we could live in peace and joy forever. He is the perfect example of love, patience, effort, and faith, and I know that as each of us align our lives with His, we will be able to help others do so as well. 

Elder Montgomery

(No new pics this week, and Michael & I were out test driving used cars all day because we needed to replace our old minivan, Lil Blue, so we didn’t get to talk to Matt until later that night. We actually had just started FHE when he called, so he taught our lesson on General Conference coming up this weekend and bore such a beautiful testimony. It’s amazing that he can still be so involved in our lives while he’s on his mission!)

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