Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Record (Week 39)

Monday, April 29, 2024   3:51pm

How's it hanging yall! We're still going strong down here in Pehua, working hard, walking a lot, having fun too! 

First off, after last week where we dropped pretty much every new person we found within a day, we were able to find some pretty cool news who seem like they have a lot of potential this time around! We were able to place a good amount of LdMs  we actually have none left in the house now lol. Unfortunately none of them came to church yesterday, but waddayagonnado. Just hope we'll be able to have another lesson with them all this week. And that they read the LdMs. 

We were finally able to get some friends in church again. This time it was part of the family we're teaching, specifically the dad, Juan, and their 9 and 11 year olds, Dylan and Santino. We've got some really high hopes that we can get Dylan and Santino baptized, especially now that they've came to church and LOVED IT as well. We asked the Hermana that directs primary how they were and she said that they're super open to learn and were very well behaved, which made me so happy to hear. 

Speaking of church, and like the title of this email says, we made a record last Sunday! Now, for some context, the Pehuajó branch hasn't had more than 23 people in the church since 2018, and yesterday we were able to get 24! Heck freakin yeah we're breaking records here! It was amazing to, because there were a few members who couldn't come for whatever reasons that should be there next week too, so now 26 or 28 is looking very achievable! What can I say, the Lord's work never stops. 

Also speaking of the title, we had a pretty cool discussion about the Book of Mormon in class yesterday. What I really loved about it was a thought that came to my mind while we were talking about Words of Mormon and how King Benjamin received the records. Basically, my thought was that the majority of the Book of Mormon was handed down from someone who was 'born of goodly parents' who then gave the record to his son, who in turn was 'taught in the ways of his father' and so on and so on. I just really love the thought that it was because of the amazing example that Lehi gave that spawned multiple civilizations of people, really reminds me that as a missionary, I need to be showing the best example I can to the friends that I'm teaching (or anyone else that sees the good example of a missionary) so that they can then go on and bless their own families and descendants. Hooray for us that we have a perfect example in Christ to follow as well lol. 

Well anyways, that was pretty much the week, nothing else too crazy happening yet, we'll see though with Zone Conference this week haha. 

Love you all very much! Have a blessed week! 
Elder Montgomery 

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