Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Another Wet Pday (Week 38)

Monday, April 22, 2024   5:52pm 

Welp, here we are again, another week gone, and another pday in the rain. At least it's not as bad this week lol. 

Welp, I will be straight up, not a lot happened this week. We've been going out and working, finding news, and everything, but there's not a ton of results at the moment. Sounds discouraging, but honestly, it happens, especially with the mission. Just means we've got to push a bit harder this week. 

One opportunity we did have this week was being able to share the First Vision a lot with a bunch of new people, which is always really cool. Every time that we're able to talk and bear testimony of something, I can feel the Spirit testifying to me of the truthfulness of the things. 

Because we shared the First Vision so much this week, I went ahead and once again read over Joseph Smith History, and it really struck me this time how very aware of Joseph's situation the enemy was. He tried to stop Joseph from doing the things he needed to because he knew that Joseph's actions would distrust his plan. With the bit of a discouraging week we had, it helped a lot to see Joseph's example of faith in God, calling out for Him even when Jospeh felt at his lowest in that moment. That was a lot of what was focused on in General Conference, was the power of prayer and our relationship with Heavenly Father, and it's something that I want to be better with, or at least more mindful about; remembering my divine potential and asking my Father in Heaven for the help and guidance I need to further His work. 

So yeah, I guess I'd also like to invite you all to do the same this week; to see how you can strengthen your relationship with Heavenly Father and to be more mindful and intentional in your prayers. (Motions of a Hidden Fire by Jeffrey R. Holland and Faithful to the End by Andrea Muñoz Spannaus from this last conference are great talks to go over in regards to those things) 

Well um yeah, still loving the mission! Apparently I got my mission call about a year ago, incredible how quickly time has already gone by! Can't wait for what the future holds, it's gonna be awesome! 

Muchos exitos capos!! Les quiero mucho!!

Elder Montgomery 

We made a cake because why not

Ooo barbecue chicken empanadas 

Loaded fries

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