Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Another Testimony Snagged from Facebook

 ¡Hola a todos! Quería compartir una escritura hoy. Está en Doctrina y Convenios 59:23. En esta sección, el Señor les dice a los santos que acababan de mudarse a Misuri cómo deberían comportarse como miembros de Su iglesia. Sé que este versículo es tan cierto ahora como lo era entonces. He sido bendecida con tanta paz aquí en el MCP porque me he centrado en el camino de la rectitud. Sé que a medida que nos esforzamos por guardar Sus mandamientos, Él nos bendecirá con todo lo que necesitemos.

In English:

Hello to you all! Wanted to share a scripture today. It is in Doctrine and Covenants 59:23. In this section, the Lord tells the saints who have just moved to Missouri how they should behave as members of His church. I know this verse is as true now as it was then. I have been blessed with so much peace here at the MCP because I have focused on the path of righteousness. I know that as we strive to keep His commandments, He will bless us with everything we need.

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