Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Week 4. One Month. Five Percent.

 Thu 8/31/2023 5:55pm

Yeah, that's right, everyone. Five Percent. Elder Noall and I did the calculations. Time really do be flying sometimes. This week was....pretty uneventful, but there were still a few highlights. 

My district was assigned a musical number last sacrament meeting. We sung a rendition of 'If You Could Hie To Kolob' that was really pretty. Such an awesome hymn too. 
I started reading the Saints novels(?) this week, and I love it so much. I already blazed through the first book, and am already a fourth of a way through the second. I've always found the stories of the early Saints so much, and learning more about Joseph Smith is always a pleasure. I love that man so much, he inspires me to work harder basically every day. Reading it has also helped me strengthen my testimony of Joseph and just prophets and revelation in general. God really loves and cares for us so much yall.
This morning was pretty nuts, we found a moth that was like the size of a....big moth? I don't know how to describe it. It was brown, I guess. We freaked out trying to get it out of the house, but we did it eventually. We slammed a bucket over it and scooted it out the door. Pretty gnarly. 
We did endowments this morning IN ESPAÑOL. It was pretty cool. It helped me realize how much my Español has been improving again, I had my eyes closed for half of it but I still knew what was going on. Yeah, I'm pretty cool. 
Well, um, yeah, that's kinda it. Again, nothing too nuts, just a lot of small victories this week that made me feel good. It also helps that the Spirit is so strong here.
Anyways, I have only a couple more weeks before I go out to Bahía. That's crazy! It's actually been rumored that we get our final flight plans tomorrow. I hope Argentina's ready for me.
Love you all, stay safe, be happy, remember your Heavenly Father loves you!
Élder Montgomery 

Almost forgot to send pictures this week! 
1: Picture of the moth Elder Noall took

2: Picture of the cryptid I took

3: Bought this shirt in the tienda with my mission cash. Pretty sick

4: Me n Elder Noall

Didn't take too many this week, but whatevs. Talk to yall next week!

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