Friday, August 18, 2023

Second week baybeeeeeeee

 Thu 8/17/2023 2:20pm

Hello my people, yes, I have survived another week, go me.
This week was pretty cool for a few reasons: 
First, feeling tons better about my Español. I'm positive now that at the end of my CCM training that I'll have it down. I've definitely struggled, and it's still pretty hard, but I don't mind so much anymore.
Second, we went to the Mexico City Temple this week and it is GORGEOUS as well. It was very Aztec/Incan/Mayan/Whatever in design, and I was all about it. I also got to baptize an Elder in Español AND do confirmations as well. It was all pretty nuts. Their visitors center is also really pretty. Definitely in the top five of temples I've been inside now(I've been inside five temples). 
Third, I actually have PICTURES. The ones I'm sending are from this week as well as last week, but they are as follows(I hope): 
1: First day there; Elder Raines took the photo. The four of us in the front are all in the same district, the Elder to my right isn't, but is also going to Bahía Blanca.

2: The whole district in front of this awesome mural of Moses parting the Red Sea

3: Me and my comp, Elder Noall, before gym

4 and 5: The district at the Visitors Center

6: The Mexico City Temple 

7: Me after waking up

8: My hair finally being mission-appropriate

Fourth, we had an awesome devotional by Elder Bednar that helped all of us in the district self reflect really well. It's super awesome to see how many of us are growing and changing drastic amounts in just one week.
Like I said, the week was pretty awesome and I have a lot to be thankful for. Like, I can see myself like actually gaining muscle. Think six pack. And I've literally only been doing push-ups. I've been doing really well with goals I've set, which I have always been terrible at. I also have a super amazing district who are willing to help me with pretty much anything at pretty much anytime. I just know that I'm being blessed by Heavenly Father and that I'm where He wants me to be. 
I'm also super thankful for all of you, and I appreciate so many of you emailing me. I know I haven't responded to any yet, I'll be working on that more. I just take a while writing one, and I still have lots of things to do every pday. 
Elder Montgomery <3

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