Monday, August 7, 2023

Last Day at Home

Monday, August 7th was Elder Montgomery's final day at home. He only had to be in his online classes for part of the day, so his cousin James came to hang out. 

They played some games with the other kids. 

He requested chicken-fried chicken for his final meal. 

Then we all went to Scoops on Main to get ice cream for FHE. 

After that, we played a round of Telestrations for our FHE activity. 

Matt did our bedtime scripture read-aloud. 

Then it was hugs all-around because he would be gone to the airport and headed out on his first flight before they woke up in the morning!
Group hugs!

Last picture of all my babes together for over 3 years, since Eric will head out on his mission before Matt gets back!

Individual hugs!

Then it was time to finally get his bags packed!
We had to leave for the airport at 2am, so Michael and I just stayed up with him and helped him get ready. 

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