Saturday, August 12, 2023

Welp.....Week 1 at CCM I guess

Sat 8/12/2023 11:32am

Hello everyone, hola a todos, or whatever language you want me to speak. 
So yeah, been at the Mexico MTC for a week now. It's been pretty great so far, most of the food has tasted great, my district is awesome, and I've been learning Español pretty quickly (not as quickly as I'd like but whatever the Lord willeth I guessahahahaha). Also, immigration? Easy. People made it seem way scarier than it was. Then again, I did only get into Mexico, we'll see how Argentina goes. 
Mexico, by the way, is GORGEOUS. The CCM is surrounded by these not really mountains but like really big hills that have super lush vegetation on some sides and these awesome cliff faces on the other. There's also a giant B made of rocks set into one of the hills. Idk why. It's pretty cool tho. Oh yeah, I was pretty shocked to see that most of the birds here are like lime green. Like, that's when it hit me that I was out of the US. Also, it rained pretty hard, and all these Utah kids were freaking out like 'I've never seen rain like this in my life!' and I was like 'This is legit every other week during summer in NC.' Yeah, guess you could say I'm one of the cool kids. 
My district (really only one Elder lol) has this goal for us to collectively do 1000 push ups a night, and we've been getting pretty close. Me and the Elder who started it are carrying pretty hard though, everyone else does like 25-30, while he and I do 40-50 in a given night. It's honestly helped me a lot, I have a personal goal right now to do 120 push ups a day for the foreseeable future, and I feel great about it. I still have like no stamina though, we all played futbol with another district and I had to sit out after like ten minutes lol. I'll work on that. 
I can tell my Español is improving, but it's not at the rate I want it to be. Most of the other elders think I'm really good at it as well, which doesn't help very much when I don't feel super confident with it. It still is the first week though, I'm sure I'll get there eventually. At least I can read and understand most everything, which has definitely been a blessing.
Well.....yeah, there hasn't been too much else to write home about, so I'll leave it here I guess.
I love and miss yall a ton, and I'm super glad to have so many great people who have my back like this. Oh, and if you all have any questions for me, email me pleaaaaase, I'd love to answer. 
¡Vaya con Dios, mi amigos!
Èlder Montgomery
(P.S. my PDays from now on are Thursdays, so I'll be able to get back to everyone then <3. Also, I can't messenger people outside of my immediate family until I get out to the field, hope yall are okay with waiting four weeks for that lol)


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