Saturday, August 5, 2023

Home MTC Week

Matt started his Home Missionary Training on Monday, July 31st. 
Since they were on Mexico City time, he didn't start until the afternoon. 
This is his district. His companion, Elder Noall, is to the left of his picture. He will continue to be with the same district and companion throughout his time at the Mexico City MTC. They jumped right in to learning Spanish!

All that training is exhausting!

We had the elders serving in our ward over for dinner on Tuesday of the week and Matt was able to take a quick break from training and come eat with us.  

He used our room and his room...wherever he could find a quiet place...for his classes and studying. 

Grandma and Grandpa stopped by on Wednesday night. 

Matt's phone got passed down to Eric, so he had to give him the low-down on it. 

Saturday of that week was Matt's p-day, so he and I were able to go do another endowment session at the temple together, which was so wonderful. 
We went to Wendy's for lunch afterwards and had such a nice, long conversation. Matt's such a great person to talk to. 

It's hard to believe that his Home training is almost done and he'll soon be on his way to Mexico!!!

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